Triune Being
Are you only a spirit. You are Triune Being made up of body, mind and spirit. That is both the glory and the wonder of you. For you often make decisions and choices at all three levels simultaneously - and they by no means always coincide.
Levels in decision
There are also levels within levels in your decision making. This is particularly true at the level of the mind. Mind can, and does, make decisions and choices from one of at least three interior levels: Logic, intuition, emotion - and sometimes from all three producing the potential for even more inner conflict.
And within one of those levels - emotions- there are five more levels. there are the five natural emotions: grief, anger, envy, fear and love.
And within in these, also, there are two final levels: Love and fear.
The five natural emotions include love and fear, yet love and fear are the basis of all emotions. The other three of the five natural emotions are outgrowths of these two.
All thoughts are sponsored by love or fear. And in the end, there is really only one. Love.
In truth, love is all there is. Even fear is an outgrowth of love.
God's beingness is in everything. The Allness is His expression. The Wholeness is His nature. There is nothing that He is Not, and something He is not cannot be. The purpose of his creation of being is that he might have an experience of Himself as the Creator of His Own Experience.
At the moment of death what happens is go on living. This is why so many people who have died do not believe it. Because they do not have the experience of being dead. On the contrary, they feel very much alive. So there is confusion.
The self may see the body lying there, all crumpled up, not moving, yet the self is suddenly moving all over the place. It has the experience, often, of literally flying all over the room - then of being everywhere in the space, all at once, And when it desires a particular point of view, it suddenly finds itself experiencing that.
If the self wonders why is my body not moving? it will find itself right there, hovering right over the body, watching the stillness curiously.
If someone enters the room, and the self thinks, who is that? immediately the soul is in front of, or next to, that person.
Thus, in a very short time the soul learns that it can go anywhere - with the speed of its thought. A feeling of incredible freedom and lightness overtakes the soul, and it usually takes a little while for the entity to 'get used to' all this bouncing around with every thought.
If the person had children, and should think of those children, immediately the soul is in the presence of those children, wherever they are. Thus the soul learns that not only can it be wherever it wants with the speed of its thought - it can be in two or more places at once. It can exist, observe, and conduct, activities in these places simultaneously, without difficulty or confusion. Then it can "rejoin" itself returning to one place again, simply by refocusing.
The soul remembers in the next life what it would have been well to remember in this life- that all effect is created by thought, and that manifestation is a result of intention.
So what is focused on as intention becomes reality.
The only difference is the speed with which you experience the result.
In the physical life there might be a lapse between thought and experience. In the spirit's realm there is no lapse; results are instantaneous.
Newly departed souls therefore learn(remember) to monitor their thoughts very carefully, because whatever they think of, they experience.
If physicalised souls learned to control their thoughts as quickly and as efficiently as spiritualised soul, their whole lives would change.
The souls residing with a body, results are usually not as immediate. It is the time lapse between thought and Creation- which can be days, weeks, months, or even years -which creates an illusion that things are happening to you, not because of you. this is an illusion causing you to forget that you are at cause in the matter. This forgetfulness is built into the system. It is part of the process. There is a delay between thought and creation before we die because we are working within the illusion of time. If you are away from the body this illusion of time disappears.
How come time exists when we are in body, but not when the soul is released? Because time is really a perspective; that it neither "exists" nor "ceases to exist", but as the soul alters its perspective, we experience ultimate reality in different ways.
Your perspective creates your thoughts, and your thoughts create everything. And if you can remember it before you leave the body, not after, your whole life will change.
Assume a different perspective and you will have a different thought about everything. In this way you will have learned to control your thought, and , in the creation of your experience, controlled thought is everything. Some people call this constant prayer.
You create your own reality not only when you are with the body, but when you are away from it. Your experience be created by one of two other energies; your uncontrolled thoughts, or the collective consciousness.
To the degree that your uncontrolled thoughts are stronger than the collective consciousness, to that degree you will experience them as reality. To the degree that the collective consciousness is accepted, absorbed, and internalised, to that degree you will experience it as your reality. So always in life you have before you three choices:
1. You may allow your uncontrolled thoughts to create The Moment.
2. You may allow your creative consciousness to create The Moment
3. You may allow the collective consciousness to create The Moment.
Irony is ............... In your present life you find it difficult to create consciously from your individual awareness, and, indeed, often assume your individual understandings to be wrong, given all that you are seeing around you, and so, you surrender to the collective consciousness, whether it serves you to do so or not.
In the first moments of what you call the afterlife, on the other hand, you may find it difficult to surrender to the collective consciousness, given all that you are seeing around you, and so you will be tempted to hold to your own individual understandings, whether they serve you or not.
It is when you are surrounded by lower consciousness that you will benefit more from remaining with your individual understandings, and when are you are surrounded by higher consciousness that you receive greater benefit from surrender.
God has created what you call death.Yet death does not exist in ultimate reality, but is merely concoction, an invention an imagined experience, through which life becomes more valued by you.Thus, "evil" is "live" spelled backward.
Just as in this life your next moment is created out of the new understandings you have gained from your last moment, so, too, in what you call the afterlife, will you create a new moment from what you have come to know and understand in the old. You are choice, always, about what you wish to experience. That is because in the afterlife results are instantaneous, and you will not be able to miss the connection between your thoughts about a thing, and the experience those thoughts create.This would explain why some people's experience is happy, and some people's experience is frightening; why some people's experience is profound, while other people's experience is virtually nonexistent. Any why so many different stories exist about what happens in the moments after death.
Some people come back from near-death experiences filled with peace and Love, and with no fear, ever again, of death, while others return very frightened, certain that they have just encountered dark and evil forces.
The soul responds to, re-creates, the mind's most powerful suggestion, producing that in its experience. Some souls remain in that experience for a time, making it very real-even as they remained in their experiences while with the body, though they were equally as unreal and impermanent. Other souls quickly adjust, see the experience for what it is, begin to think new thoughts, and move immediately to new experiences.
When do we come to know the TRUTH? Those whose only desire is to know the eternal truth of All That is, to understand the great mysteries, to experience the grandest reality, do so. There is One Great Truth; there is a Final Reality. But you will always get what you choose, regardless of that reality- precisely because the reality is that you are a Divine creature, divinely creating your reality even as you are experiencing it.
Yet should you choose to stop creating your own individual reality and begin to understand and experience the larger, unified reality, you will have an immediate opportunity to do that.
Those who die in the state of such choosing, of such desiring, of such willingness and such knowing, move into the experience of the Oneness at once. Others move into the experience only if, as, and when they so desire.
It is precisely the same when the soul is with the body.
It is all a matter of desire of your choosing, of your creating, and, ultimately, of your creating the un-creatable; that is , of your experiencing that while has already been created.
You may also re-create the experience of your individual self whenever you choose. You may experience any aspect of the All That is that you wish, in its tiniest proportion, or its grandest. You may experience the microcosm or the macrocosm
When you reside with the human body, you are experiencing a smaller portion that the whole; that is , a portion of microcosm(although by no means the smallest portion thereof). when you reside away from the body(in what some would call the "spirit world"), you have enlarged by quantum leaps your perspective. You will suddenly seem to know everything, be able to be everything. You will have a macro-cosmic view of things, allowing you to understand that which you do not now understand.
You will suddenly become clear that All that is even greater than the reality you are then experiencing. This will fill you at once with awe and anticipation, wonder and excitement, joy and exhilaration, for you will then know and understand what I know and understand:
In the time after your "death" you may choose to have every question you ever had answered-----and open yourself to new questions you never dreamt. You may choose to experience Oneness with All That is. And you will have a chance to decide what you wish to be, do, and have next.
Do you choose to return to your most recent body? Do you choose to experience life again in human form, but of another kind? Do you choose to remain where you are in the "spirit World," at the level you are then experiencing? Do you choose to go on , go further, in your knowing and experiencing? Do you choose to loose your identity" All together and now become part of the oneness?
Spirit World
Will the relatives of loved ones, meet after some dies?Will they be reunited with "those who have gone before"? Will they be able to spend eternity together?
If that is true, then the free will of loved ones would have to coincide with other. They must have the same thought and desire.Further, what if one wanted to spend the rest of eternity with them, and few of them wanted to move on? May be one of them wanted to move higher and higher, into this experience of Reunification with the oneness,
Here the answer would be.........there would be no contradiction in the universe. there are things that look like contradictions, but there are none in fact. should a situation arise such as the one described, what will happen is that one will both be able to have what you choose.
In the spirit world it is merely a matter of what the consciousness chooses to hold in its reality.In what you would call the "spirit world" what you can imagine, you can experience. Now, if you want to experience yourself being one soul, in one plane, at one "time'" you may do that. Yet if you wish to experience your spirit being larger than that, being in more than one place at one "time". You may do that as well Indeed, you may experience your spirit s being anywhere you wish, any "time". That is because, in truth, there is only one "time" and one "place" and you are in all of it, always. You may thus experience any part, or parts, of it you wish, whenever you choose.
Risen from Dead
Many have risen from dead like Jesus. Not like what is happening in Hospital but like Jesus. In east Mahavatar Babaji and his disciples have done that. Souls can return from the so called "dead" in spirit form or in physical form if that's what they desire?It is not the question of ease it is question of desirability.Generally, souls leave bodies because they are finished with them. They have completed what they joined with the body to do. they have experience they were seeking.
Psychic power
Every one has "psychic power". It is truly a sixth sense. Psychic power is simply the ability to step out of your limited experience into a broader view. To step back, To feel more than what the limited individual you have imagined yourself to be would feel; to know more than he or she would know. It is the ability to tap into the larger truth all around you; to sense a different energy. It's sort of like muscles. All have them, yet some choose to develop them, whereas in others they remain undeveloped, and far less useful. To develop your psychic "muscle" you must exercise it and use it everyday and all the time. It is there for everyone as small and weak. It's under used. When you get an intuitive hit now and then, if you don't act on it you will ignore it. You will have a dream or an inspiration, but most of them will let it pass, paying it scant attention.
There are three rules of psychic phenomena that will you to understand how psychic power works.
1. All thought is is energy
2. All things are in motion.
3. All time is now.
Psychics are people who have opened themselves to the experiences these phenomena produce; vibrations. Sometimes formed as pictures in the mind, sometimes a thought in the form of a word.
The psychic becomes adept at feeling these energies. This may not be easy at first, because these energies are very light, very fleeting, very subtle. Like the slightest breeze on a summer night that you think you felt rustle your hair----but maybe didn't . like the faintest sound in the farthest distance that you think you heard. but can't be sure.
Every feeling you have ever had resides in your soul. Your soul is the sum total of all your feeling. It is the repository. Even though it may have been years since you have stored them there, a psychic who is truly open can "feel" these "feelings" here and now.
A psychic can tell you about your "past", "tomorrow" also does not exist. All things are occurring right now. Every occurrence sends off a wave of energy, prints an indelible picture on the cosmic photographic plate. The psychic sees, or feels, the picture of "tomorrow" as it is happening right now----which it is. That is how some psychics tell the future.
Through the act of intense focusing, psychic is sending out an actual sub-molecular component of himself. His "thought" It leaves the body, zings out into space, and goes far enough, fast enough, to be able to turn around and "see from distance the "now" that you have not yet experienced. The sub-molecular part of the psychic, having absorbed the energy of the image gained from focusing, zings back to the psychic's body, bringing the energy with it. The psychic has learned not to question what he is "thinking" or suddenly "seeing" or "feeling" but merely to allow it to "come through" as untouched as possible. Some times the predictions are wrong because the psychic has not predicted the future, merely offered a glimpse of one of the possible possibilities, observed in the Eternal Moment of Now. As you know everything has already happened, in a million different ways. All that is left is for you to make some perception choices. It is all a question of perception. when you change your perception, you change your thought, and your thought creates your reality. Whatever outcome you could anticipate in any situation is already there for you. All you have to do is perceive it. Know it.
Sleep is the experience of the soul leaving the body.It is not only we sleep because the body needed rest. The soul seeks the rest, and so causes the body to 'fall asleep'.
The soul literally drops the body when it is tired of the limits, tired of the heaviness and lack of freedom of being with the body. It leaves he body when it seeks refuelling when it becomes weary of all the nontruth and false reality and imagined dangers, and when it seeks, once again, reconnection, reassurance, restfulness, and awakening for the mind.
When the soul first embraces a body, it finds the experience extremely difficult. It is very tiring, particularly for a newly arriving soul. That is why babies sleep a lot.
When the soul gets over the initial shock of being attached to a body once more, it begins to increase its tolerance for that. It stays with it more.
At the same time, the part of you called your mind moves into forgetfulness -- just as it was designed to do. Even the soul's flights out of the body, taken now on a less-frequent, but still usually daily, basis do not always bring the mind back to remembrance.
Indeed during these times the soul may be free, but the mind may be confused. thus, the whole being may ask; "Where am I? What am I creating here?" These searchings may lead to fitful journey; even frightening ones. You call these trips "nightmares."
Sometimes just the opposite will occur. The soul will arrive at a place of great remembering. Now the mind will have an awakening. This will fill it with peace and joy-which you will experience in your body when you return to it.
The more your whole being experiences the reassurance of these rejuvenations -- and the more it remembers what it is doing, and trying to do, with the body -- the less your soul will choose to stay away from the body, for now it knows that it came to the body for a reason, and with a purpose. Its desire is to get on with that, and to make best use of all the time with the body that it has. The person of great wisdom requires less sleep.
Daily meditation is one of the best tools with which to create this experience. With it, you can raise your life energy to the highest chakra...... and even leave your body while you are "awake"
It is the third aspect of your being. You are a three-part being, made up of body, mind and spirit. You all know where body is; We can see that. Do you I think mind is in the part of body called my head? .....Brain is in your skull. Your mind is not. It is in every cell of your body.What you call the mind is really an energy. it is .......just a bundle of thoughts. And thought is an energy, not an object. Brain is an object. It is physical, biochemical mechanism----the larges, most sophisiticated, but not the only-----mechanism in the human body, with which the body translates, or converts, the energy which is your thought into physical impulses. Your brain is a transformers in every cell. Biochemists have often remarked at how individual cells-blood cells, for instance---seem to have their own intelligence.
Every man on the planet knows about particular body part that often seems to have a mind of its own....This is raising the energy of life to include all seven chakra centers.
So the mind is in every cell.....And there are more cells in your brain than anywhere else. so it seems as though your mind is in the bran. Yet that is just the main processessing center. Not the only one.So mind is not everywhere but in every cell of the body. Mind is not everywhere in the body because there are spaces between the cells. In fact, your body is 99 percent space.The soul is lager than the body. It is not carried within the b ody, but carries the body within it. The soul is that which holds you together-just as the Soul of God is that which contains the universe, and holds it together. So if the soul is, in a sense, the "air in and around us" and if everyone else's soul is the same, where does one soul end, and another begin. There is no place where another soul "ends" and ours "begins." Just like there is no place where the air in the living room "stops" and the air in the dining room "starts". It's all the same air. It's all the same soul.
If the body is a discreet container, making it possible to differentiate between "this" body and "that" body.If the body houses the soul then we can differentiate but it is not.
This is a Divine Dichotomy.There is only One Being, and hence, only One Soul. And, there are many souls in the One Being.If there is no separation between souls and if it is just the energy of life that exists within and around all physical objects, and if the body is not a container, a "housing," for the soul, the soul is a container for the body, and thre is no "dividing line" between souls-there is no place where "one soul" ends and "another" begins. So, it is really one soul holding all bodies. Yet the one sould" feels like" a bunch of individual souls.
While there is no actual separation between souls, it is true that the stuff of which the One Soul is made manifests in physical reality at different speeds, producing different degrees of density. All life is a vibration. That which you call life is pure energy. That energy is vibrating constantly, always. It is moving in waves. The waves vibrate at different speeds, producing differing degrees of density, or light. Thus in turn, produces what you would call different "effects" in the physical world---actually, different physicl objects. Yet while the objects are different and discreet, the energy which produces them is exactly the same.It was like the air between living room and the bedroom. Though the air is same in the living room and the dining room, the characterstics of the air in both the rooms are different. In the living room you smell different but in the dining room you smell the dinner. At one place the smell in the air is less and that is where smell of the next room starts.
New Souls
All things that have happened, are happening Now, and ever will happen, are occuring in this moment.Nothing has happened "before", because there is no before. Nothing will happen "after" because there is no after. It is always and only Right now. Given that there is only Now, the number of souls is always the same. Since the number of souls is infinite, at any given "point in time" it appears to be finite.
There are new souls in the sense that they have allowed themselves, having reached ultimate awareness and unified with ultimate reality, to voluntarily "forget" everything and "start over" --- they have decided to move to a new plae on the Cosmic Wheel, and some have chosen to be "young souls" again. Yet all souls are part of the original batch, since all ar ebeing created(were created, wll be created) in the Only Moment of Now. So the number is finite and infinite, changing and unchanged, depending on how you look at at.
A body of energy can conceive of itself as "young" or "old" depending upon what it chooses after it reaches ultimate awareness.
When they return to the Cosmic Wheel, some souls choose to be old souls, and some choose to be "young". Similarly, some souls have choosen to be called "good" and some "bad", for exactly the same reason. And this is why no soul is ever punished. For why would the One Soul want to punish a part of itself for being a portion of the Whole?
There is only One Soul, One Being, One Essence. Some of you call this "God,"This single Essence"individuates" itself as Everything in The Universe-----in other words, All That is. This includes all sentient beings, or what you have chosen to call souls.Life is the process through which God creates itself, and then experiences the creation. This process of creation is ongoing and eternal.
Messenger's message
"Those ideas, expressed through you, as you, create the template, set the stage, serve as a model for the next levl of human experience."
What you think, you create. What you create, you become. What you become, you express. What you express,you experience. What you experience, you are. What you are, you think. The circle is complete.
Gods in formation is God's information.
God is a process. God is not a person, place or thing. god is exactly what you have always thought - but not understood.
God is a Supreme Being.. Note that "being is not a thing, it is a process.
All is energy, and that energy turns into "matter"----that is, physical"stuff" and "occurences"---according to how I thought about them. I understood, then, that "nothing matters" means that nothing turns into matter except as we choose for it to
None of this is really "real"? You are living an illusion. This is a big magic show. And you are pretending that you don't know the tricks---even though you are the magician.So what I see, feel, smell, touch, does seem very real. If that isn't reality, what is?
Keep in mind that what you are looking at, you are not really"seeing" Your brain is not the source of your intelligence. It is simply a data processor. It takes in data through recptors called your senses. It interprets this energy in formation according to its previous data on the subject. It tells you what it perceives, not what really is. Based on these perceptions, you think you know the truth about something, when, actually, you do not know the half of it. In reality, you are creating the truth you know.
You cannot comprehend God if you are thinking inside your current values, concepts and understandings. If you wish to comprehend God, you must be willing to accept that you currently have limited data, rather than asserting that you know all there is to know on this subject.
Why time exist only when we are in the body? It is because you have caused it to moving into, by assuming your present perpective. You use this perspective as a tool with which you can explore and examine your experiences much more fully, by separating them into individual pieces, rather than a single occurrence.
It is through the device called time that you have managed to separate the pieces, to divide the indivisible, thus to see it and experience it more fully, as you are creating it.
Even as you look at a solid object through a microscope, seeing that it is not solid at all, but actually a conglomeration of a million different effects ---different things all happening at once and thus creating the larger effect -- so too, do you use time as the microscope of your soul.
Consider the Parable of the Rock.
Once there was a Rock, filled with countless atoms, protons, neutrons, and subatomic particles of matter. these particles were racing around continually, in a pattern, each particle going from "here"to "there" and taking "time" to do so, yet going so fast that the Rock itself seemed to move not at all. It just was. thre it lay, drinking in the sun, soaking up the rain and moving not at all.
Similarly everything that comprises What You Are is moving. It is moving at incredible speed through time and space in a particular pattern which creates You a the thng called "Rock" So you are moving and not moving at the same time
Movie----"What Dreams may come- Robin williams"
Karmic Wheel
There is no such thing as "karmic wheel" Many of you have imagnied that you are on, not a wheel, but a treadmill, in which you are working off the debts of past actions, and trying valiantly not to incur any new ones. that is what some of you have called "the Karmic wheel on the other hand it is Cosmic Wheel, because there is nothing of unworthinesss, debt-repayment, punishment, or "purification." the Cosmic Wheel simply describes the ultimate reality, or what you micht call the cosmology of universe. It is the cycle of life or the term process. It is the picture phrase describing the no--begenning--and--no--end nature of things: the continually connected path to and from the all of everything, on which the soul joyfully journeys throughout eternety. It is the sacred rhythm of all life, by whihc you move the Energy of God.
Note : This is only a scribbling note. These are purely my understanding.
These may or may not be the correct one. This is not to hurt anybody's feeling.
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