
Talks with Maharishi
Ramana Maharishi (Arthur Osborne)
Self Realization (P V Narasimha Iyer)
A Search in Secret India (Paul Brunton)
Turn Eastward(Pascaline Mallet)
Many Lives May Master(Dr.BrianWeiss)
Power of Your Subconscious Mind(Joseph Murphy)
Mystic Eyes (Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev)
Mystic Musing (Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev)
Life After Death(JK)
Burden of Proof-Life after Death(Deepak Chopra)
Yoga Vasishtam (RKMutt)
Wings to Freedom(Siddhanath Yognath)
What becomes of the soul afer death(Dr.Sivananda)
Atma Bodha - (RKMutt-Sankaracharya)
Viveka Chudamani - (RKMutt-Sankaracharya)
The Selection from complete works of Swami Vivekananda(RKMutt)
Stalking the wild pendulum
Path to higher conciousness - Gopi Krishna
Autobiography of a Yogi  (Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda)
Aleph(Paulo Coelho)
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari(Robin Sharma)
Conversations with God 1, 2 & 3 (Neale Donald Walsch)
Mind: its mysteries and control(Swami Sivananda)
My True Reality - Dr.Huzan S Daver
Gita - Osho
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