Human Science

An object is anything made of matter. The total amount of an object's matter is called its mass. Gravitation is a force of attraction between objects in relation to their mass.
An object that is near the Earth is attracted toward the surface of the planet, or toward the larger mass. Objects that are already on the Earth's surface experience a downward force. We humans experience this force on our bodies as what we call our "weight."
The planets in our solar system also experience the force of gravity; gravitation is what keeps the planets safely in their orbits around our giant Sun.

 Gravity’s existence, qualities and character are imperceptible. Gravity is a concentrated stock force, with all its adorable divine potentials. Maximally intensified by its own compression, it becomes ‘formative dust’. i.e. a spinning, magnetized quanta of space itself. The space contains formative dust, which emerged by the self compressive force of Gravity. The seamless continuity of space is an illusion, arising because the dust quanta are imperceptible and cannot be differentiated from the space itself by our senses or any instruments.  As water we see is nothing other than a vast collection of molecules, but we perceive it as an unbroken continuum – our eyes do not detect the space between each molecule. Similarly, the formative dust also is not seen. As we detect the presence of molecules and atoms in air and water from the effect they have on other things, the existence of dust in the space can be inferred from the observation that all the heaviest masses, planets, and galaxies are easily floating on the space.
Thus Gravity itself transforms into universe stage by stage; first as formative dust, then these collectively form infinitesimal energy particles, then atoms, elements and all kinds of physical structures, and wave effects. Because of all these qualities the Gravity has the possibility and potential to become any thing, any quality, any action and any result.
Being the transformed state of Gravity, the entire universe can be divided into three stages in its functions;
1)    Physical structures, which are built up by the elements
2)    Astral field – this is the sum total of the individual energy particles, which are penetratingly travelling into all the physical structures and
3)    The magnetic waves, which are the result of the dissolution of the energy particles into ether.
As the highly magnetized dusts are emitted from the infinitesimal energy particles their magnetic energy transforms into the five “Thanmatra”, pressure, sound, light, taste and smell and in living beings, mind.
As the formative dust within the space is not perceivable, the human mind assumes the space to be nothingness or vacuum. This illusion can be dispelled if one realizes that all the heaviest known masses, such as stars and planets, are supported and floating on the space itself.
Is this not a wonder of Nature how the planets are keeping a certain distance from one another. Reason being, every planet there are many different elements, in which there are numbers of atoms. The planet is radiating waves that are conditioned by the character, that is the chemicals, of all the atoms. The waves act as repulsive force to keep all other masses at a certain distance. So in this way, the waves coming from any planet have a repulsive effect that keeps other things at a certain distance. For eg., there are 93 million miles between the earth and the sun. even though the earth is moving around the sun at the speed of 15,50,000 miles per day, at this terrific speed they are nevertheless kept apart at almost exactly the same distance throughout the orbital
Gravity itself transforms into universe. Then how does this pertain to the living beings? How did they come into existence?
All physical appearances are collections of elements, which are associations of energy particles in different amounts. In every mass, waves from each element are constantly generated from the constituent energy particles. Under certain conditions, such waves in physical body get the faculty of feeling.
It is a general principle that wherever a wave gets circulation effect, there will be intensification at the center of the system. This centripetal effect is due to the ever present surrounding compressive force of the space. In living beings also the magnetic circulation gets intensified in the center and this we call the genetic center.

Gravity was discovered in 17th Century by a mathematician and physicist named Sir Isaac Newton. He discovered that there is a specific force, which we call gravity, that is required to change the speed or direction of something that is moving. This same force he figured must cause apples to fall from trees! After researching this hypothesis he wrote the law of gravity. This law is a mathematical explanation for the way that things attract based on experiments and observations.
What is Gravity?
All energies we can detect are forms of vibrating entities in the ether, Energy itself cannot be defined other than by its results which we can observe in the form of electromagnetic radiation or mass. Gravity does not exist without the presence of a mass, therefore mass and gravity are completely linked to each other's existence..Ether does support an energy wave, and not only support it, but is part of the existence of vibrating energy.
Gravity is an invisible pulling force between two objects. These two objects can be anything from a grain of rice to a planet in the solar system. Nothing can escape it.
The amount of gravity that an object has depends on a few things. One of these things is where on the planet you are. Another thing that affects the amount of gravity an object has is how big the object is. The bigger the objects mass the more gravity it will have and the smaller the mass of the object the less gravity. The final thing that affects gravity is the distance between the two objects. The closer they are the stronger the gravity will be.
Gravity is a very important and critical part of our everyday lives and you probably don't even notice. Here are some things that gravity does for us everyday:   It stops us from floating into space. Gravity keeps the Earth in orbit around the sun and keeps us warm. Gravity also keeps the water on the Earth, the inhabitants on Earth, and the Earth's atmosphere in its place.Gravity pulls rain and snow down to our rivers.
Gravity is the mighty force that is primordial state of Universe. Consciousness is the property of Gravity, the nature. Consciousness is an innate potential of Gravity. Gravity has four such intrinsic qualities: Plenum (inexhaustible source), Force(Self compression), Consciousness(order of function in everything and everywhere) and Time. The basic  unit of a time is one blink of an eye. Only by increased numbers of this unit time is conceived. The four innate properties of Gravity (Nature) are indivisible and inseparable from Gravity and from one another. Only by these four properties the Gravity transforms into all principles and phenomena of the Universe. Among these four Consciousness is very important and valuable. Consciousness cannot be considered or investigated separately from Gravity, as it is perfectly regulating and directing the force of Gravity. Conscientious consciousness is the faculty that enables the function in the universe perfectly and precisely. As the force of Gravity functions the consciousness is its inseparable shadow. The whole universe is a product of Gravity and all the functions are determined by consciousness. This invaluable and marvelous principle, Gravity by its own compression becomes quantized as imperceptible ‘dust’. As such a highly transparent principle is powdered into infinitesimal quanta of dust, the dust also is equally transparent. When we see the space we are also seeing the dust, which is impossible to perceive or differentiate; the space and the dust can not be seen separately.
As every dust is compressed by surrounding pressure of Gravity, all the dusts are spinning. By its spinning action the dust becomes the mighty universal power, magnetism. By the association of dust, fundamental particles are formed; by association of particles atoms are formed. All appearances of the universe are association of elements. As everything in the universe is formed and functioning by the association of dust, every mass has spinning action.

The doctrine of reincarnation is a complement to the doctrine of karma. Man is reborn for the fulfillment of his karma. As he sows, so he reaps. The law of karma is the chain that ties man to the wheel of birth and rebirth. And it is through karma that man is bound and it is through karma that he can get free. The fact that we do not remember the previous lives we lived does not disprove the doctrine of reincarnation. Our existence or non-existence does not depend on our memory. We do not have the recollection of our childhood days till the age of 3. Does it mean we did not exist as children. We are liable to forget early periods of this life. No wonder we do not remember our former life or lives. And it is great blessing that we do not. Otherwise our present existence would have been complicated to the extreme. According to Patnjali
by a special method of meditation a person can awaken the memories of his past life. The Sanskrit term for such recollection is jatismara. The Buddha is said to have remembered all his past lives. Krishna speaks about reincarnation in Bhagavath Gita (Chapter IV). Being immutable the self is beyond birth, growth, decay and death. It is not born with the birth of the body, nor does it die when the body drops. Where does the self of human offspring come from. The unborn self cannot originate either from the male or the female parent. Not the parent’s body, nor the mind, nor any of the ten organs, none of which has consciousness inherent in it.
It is absurd that the self of the child will emerge from the father’s or the mother’s self, which is indivisible and immutable. Modern biology recognizes the mind but not the self. It is equally impossible for the child to inherit the mind from either parent. An individual’s mind  is distinct from the self and the body as well, although closely associated with both. An individual functions as an organized system because of the co-ordination of three primal constituents-the self, the mind and the body. There can be no living organism without their correlation. Amputation of the body does not cause the amputation of mind. The receptacle of mind remains the same while the contents change. It is the identy of the mind that maintains. It is the identity of the mind that maintains one’s individuality beyond death and rebirth. Hence the child’s mind cannot be a fragment of the parental mind. Nor can it arise from either parent’s body or the self, being different by nature from both. What the offspring actually receives from the parents are the rudiments of its physical body. The doctrine of reincarnation recognizes the general biological law that ‘like begets like’ Parents cannot be held wholly responsible for the body of a person. Its roots are to be traced to his past life. A human being cannot result from chance conjuction of material units, that is to say, the physical ingredients of reproductive cell of the parents, the sperm and the ovum.  According to modern biology  the human body like other multicellular living things, plants or animals, consists of innumerable minute cells, which are responsible for its structure and function. Each cell is miniature organism and is regarded as the fundamental unit of life. New cells come into being the division of previously existing cells. The reproductive cell in the male body is called the sperm and the reproductive cell in the female body is called the ovum or egg. The common name for both is the gamete. The sperm is smaller but more active than egg. Neither is observable by the naked eye. Each gamete is single cell.The inherited characteristics are transmitted to the offspring. Inside the reproductive cell there are roadshaped bodies called the chromosomes. In each cell of the human species there are twenty three pairs of chromosomes. Within the chromosomes lie the hypothetical material units called the genes. For the purpose of studying the inheritance of traits, it is sufficient to define the gene as a unit transmitted from parents to offspring, which is responsible for the development of certain characters in individuals living in certain environments. The gene so defined is a hypothetical unit, and the body of knowledge concerned with these has come to be known as formal genetics. The starting point of an individual’s life is the zygote produced by the fusion of the nuclei of the male and female reproductive cell. The fertilized egg contains twenty three chromosomes from the male parent and twenty three from the female parent. The chromosomes and genes function as single unit..A child receives one half of the genes of his father and one half of the maternal ones; which particular maternal and paternal genes are transmitted to a given child is a matter of chance. In order to find how a man is reborn we have to find how  he dies. At death, the self, the real man, leaves the physical body, but retains the subtle and the casual body. The mind with all its contents belongs to the subtle body. According to those  impressions of karma(volitional actions, experiences and thoughts) that become prevalent in the mind of the dying man, a very fine physical vesture for the subtle and the casual body is formed at the time of his departure from the gross body. This fine garb carries the potencies of the next gross body he assumes. He may go to a higher or a lower region impelled by the impressions of karma. But when these are exhausted the residual karma will lead him eventually to his human plane, where alone he has change for liberation.
 When a bound soul is ready for rebirth on the human plane the impressions of his karma lead to the parents from whom he can secure the materials for his gross body. The fine physical vesture that he wears has the potency to acquire the necessary material elements.

Human Science
Nucleus is a part of the cell containing DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) and RNA(Ribonucleic Acid)  and it is responsible for growth and reproduction. In cell biology, nucleus contains most of the cell's genetic material, organized as multiple long linear DNA molecules in complex with a large variety of proteins to form chromosomes. The genes within these chromosomes are the cell's nuclear genome. The function of the nucleus is to maintain the integrity of these genes and to control the activities of the cell by regulating gene expression — the nucleus is, therefore, the control center of the cell.

Cell Nucleus - Commanding the Cell

The cell nucleus acts like the brain of the cell. It helps control eating, movement, and reproduction. If it happens in a cell, chances are the nucleus knows about it. The nucleus is not always in the center of the cell. It will be a big dark spot somewhere in the middle of all of the cytoplasm (cytosol). You probably won't find it near the edge of a cell because that might be a dangerous place for the nucleus to be. If you don't remember, the cytoplasm is the fluid that fills cells.

Life Before a Nucleus

Not all cells have a nucleus. Biology breaks cell types into eukaryotic (those with a defined nucleus) and prokaryotic (those with no defined nucleus). You may have heard of chromatin and DNA. You don't need a nucleus to have DNA. If you don't have a defined nucleus, your DNA is probably floating around the cell in a region called the nucleoid. A defined nucleus that holds the genetic code is an advanced feature in a cell.

Important Materials in the Envelope


The things that make a eukaryotic cell are a defined nucleus and other organelles. The nuclear envelope surrounds the nucleus and all of its contents. The nuclear envelope is a membrane similar to the cell membrane around the whole cell. There are pores and spaces for RNA and proteins to pass through while the nuclear envelope keeps all of the chromatin and nucleolus inside. When the cell is in a resting state there is something called chromatin in the nucleus. Chromatin is made of DNA, RNA, and nuclear proteins. DNA and RNA are the nucleic acids inside of the cell. When the cell is going to divide, the chromatin becomes very compact. It condenses. When the chromatin comes together, you can see the chromosomes. You will also find the nucleolus inside of the nucleus. When you look through a microscope, it looks like a nucleus inside of the nucleus. It is made of RNA and protein. It does not have much DNA at all.
A unit of matter, the smallest unit of an element, consisting of a dense, central, positively charged nucleus surrounded by a system of electrons, equal in number to the number of nuclear protons, the entire structure having an approximate diameter of 10-8 centimeter and characteristically remaining undivided in chemical reactions except for limited removal, transfer, or exchange of certain electrons.
What are atoms?
Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter that make up everyday objects. A desk, the air, even you are made up of atoms!
There are 90 naturally occurring kinds of atoms. Scientists in labs have been able to make about 25 more.

Everything we see is made up of tiny little parts called atoms. The atoms are made of even smaller parts. These are called protons, electrons and neutrons. They are very different from each other in many ways. One way they are different is their "charge." Protons have a positive (+) charge. Electrons have a negative (-) charge. Neutrons have no charge.
Atoms always have as many electrons as protons.
Atoms usually have about as many neutrons as protons.. Adding proton makes a new kind of atom. And adding a neutron makes an isotope of that atom ( a heavier version of that atom)

It is useful to think of a model of the atom as similar to the solar system. The nucleus is in the center of the atom, like the sun in the center of the solar system. The electrons orbit around the nucleus like the planets around the sun. Just like in the solar system, the nucleus is large compared to the electrons. The atom is mostly empty space. And the electrons are very far away from the nucleus. While this model is not completely accurate, we can use it to help us understand the concept.

Electrical Charge
Protons, neutrons and electrons are very different from each other. They have their own properties, or characteristics. One of these properties is called an electrical charge. Protons have what we call a "positive" (+) charge. Electrons have a "negative" (-) charge. Neutrons have no charge, they are neutral. The charge of one proton is equal in strength to the charge of one electron. When the number of protons in an atom equals the number of electrons, the atom itself has no overall charge, it is neutral.


The protons and neutrons in the nucleus are held together very tightly. Normally the nucleus does not change. But some of the outer electrons are held very loosely. They can move from one atom to another. An atom that loses electrons has more positive charges (protons) than negative charges (electrons). It is positively charged. An atom that gains electrons has more negative than positive particles. It has a negative charge. A charged atom is called an "ion."
Some materials hold their electrons very tightly. Electrons do not move through them very well. These things are called insulators. Plastic, cloth, glass and dry air are good insulators. Other materials have some loosely held electrons, which move through them very easily. These are called conductors. Most metals are good conductors.
How can we move electrons from one place to another? One very common way is to rub two objects together. If they are made of different materials, and are both insulators, electrons may be transferred (or moved) from one to the other. The more rubbing, the more electrons move, and the larger the static charge that builds up. (Scientists believe that it is not the rubbing or friction that causes electrons to move. It is simply the contact between two different materials. Rubbing just increases the contact area between them.)

Physical Body.
Atoms revolves by its self compressive surrounding pressure with kinematic(study of motion with mass and force) quivering motion getting intensified and folded becomes “knots”. by surrounding pressure force of Gravity. Theswe knots start spinning. Such spinning wave is further compressed by surrounding force of gravity and evolves into an infinitesimal primary energy particle. Our physical body is made up of millions of cells which is formed out of an atom.
Physical body is constituted by millions of cells, throughout which bio-magnetism is pervasively flowing in a full and complete circuit over the body. By natural polarity of the cells, they are arranged into systematic rows, clinging to one another. Every cell takes its own precise requirement of magnetism. By physical transformation of magnetism the cells get pressure, electricity and chemicals required for all laboratical functioning.
Physical body requires Food, water and Air. Food and water on consumption goes into the body. The metabolic routines of physical body transform food into seven organic substances:  Juice, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow and Sexual Vital Fluid(SVF). This SVF is the essential compound of physical body. By the centripetal force of the magnetic and spiritual centre major portion of SVF is deposited at the Centre called Genetic Centre or Muladhara.

From atom to universe every thing is just  Electron, protons, and neutrons.
You could start really small...
- Particles of matter
- Atoms
- Elements
- Molecules
- Macromolecules
- Cell organelles
- Cells
- Tissues
- Organs
- Systems
- Organisms
- Populations
- Ecosystems
- Biospheres
- Planets
- Planetary Systems with Stars
- Galaxies
- The Universe
.And finish really big.

Wow. All of that is possible because of atoms.

Karma - Results as benefit or Suffering
Even though we have all explanations of God, the experience of suffering remains. Pain and suffering are existential conditions of human life. There are four predominant metaphysical positions that we can take when dealing with the problem of suffering.
1) Everyghin is Brahman
2) Everything is Sunya
3) Everything is God's creation. and
4) everythig is due to Karma
Of these four philosophical views, the vedantic position is that everything is Brahman. There is nothing other than Brahman Even if this is explained the position and understood suffering still remains. Suffering is not intellectual but an experience.
Second position is that of Buddhists. They say that everythign is Sunya. "Pain is emptiness" Even if you take this position the problem of suffering remains.
A third position is God's creation. The creator is compassionate, all knowing and all powerful. But then, we wonder, how can the all-knowing, all compassionate god create suffering? we are painfully born through suffering into suffering. Then spontaneous question arises "Well, then, such a God cannot be all that powerful,"You may conclude that another power other than god-like Satan-created suffering, God tries to eliminate suffering, but Satan seems to be more successful. So there can be no one who is more powerful than God. Hence there is a gap between experience of suffering and the explanations that are offered.
Theoretically you may agree to the above two and meditate upon Brahman or Sunya, but when a mosquito lands on your nose, you cannot resist the temptation of swiping it away.So suffering exists irrespective on whom we meditate upon.Suffering exists despite the fact the God is all powerful than any one called Satan- then why sufferings exists. We might try to create a certain psychological or physical conditioning by which we become immune to pain and/ or lessen the mental suffering that accompanies any debility. We pursue immunity from suffering and pain through yogic exercises, pranayama or through the power of positive thinking.We may temporarily avoid suffernig with the use of certain drugs or medications, but none of these give a permanent relief from Pain.
The best explanation which is convincing and logical is the Karmasiddhanta: Karma and Ego. "Suffering is of the ego" we assert. "Therefore, be free from ego and suffering will cease" Try to shed your ego, and the more you try, the more egoistic you become.
From the standpoint of the law of karma, the individual, as choice-maker, is a free agent. there is God, who is Organizing principle, there is Brahman, the field and source of all energy; and there is the individual, who is the choice-maker.
Being in tune with the law of karma is something like managing fire or electricity. How do you relate it to fire or electiricity. If you don't know the laws that govern fire or electricity, you run the rist of getting burnt. If you know the law of fire or electricity, you can utilize it to your advance.Similarly, if you understand the law of karma and how to apply that law in your daily life, in your choice-making, then you can utilise the law of karma to fulfill your destiny.If you misunderstand, or are unfamiliar with, the law of karma, you tend to make all kinds of wrong choices and cause your own suffering. Karmasiddhanta asks that you neither blame God nor anyone else, but that you can take charge of your life.  Karmasiddhanta provides a means by which you can understand your past by simply seeing your present circumstances.
There are three laws operating under the theory of Karma.
The first law of karma is that it is a process with a beginning and an end. Karma is not just action, but action and its consequence. the karmaphala, or fruit of the action. The cause and the consequence are together called karma.
The second law is that the result, karmaphala, is a modification of the cause, karma
The third law is that all choices are intentional whether you are conscious or unconscious of your intentions. Further, the results of karma come back to the doer-the chooser who performs the karma.
Once you undertake an action, it sets a universal law into motion. It must return to you. Your act continues to reverberate and interact variously in the environment. Finally the energy you released comes back to you and abides in you.So the choice-maker, the thinker of a particular thought, or the perpretrator of any action eventually becomes the victim of the consequence mentally and physically
What we sow that we reap. He sows wind, reaps a whilwind. Ultimately, your intention is like a boomerang. This understanding gives us insight into things. If you want a happy situation then broadcast happy thoughts.


The concept of maya is an important tool of analysis for understanding the mystery of life. the word maya is derivative of the Sanskrit verbal root, ma, which means "to measure, to limit, to give form.Modern physics also has an idea similar to maya, the "uncertainity principle," which says that energy manifests as either a particle or a wave. the difficulty for scientists lies in predicting the state in which energy exists at a given point of time. Vedas say one becoming many is called maya. Why is it called maya? Because, when one becomes the many, it does not really become the many. Instead, the One, without undergoing any intrinsic change, appears as the many. The power of the One to appear as the many, without giving up its original nature is called maya.Eg. Like an actor plays varous roles without losing his real identity.
        Cause and effect -  All objects are based on cause and effect flow. Objects are links in the cause-effect flow. It all depends upon the standpoint from which you observe. From the standpoint of a son you are a father, and from the standpoint of a father you are a son. The answer depends upon which standpoint you take.From the highest point you are neither a son nor a father. this is maya.
       Non-duality - The world is something that is seen, that is why it is called loka; Lokyate iti loka - something that is experienced, an object of our experience. The world, being objective, has neither subjectivity nor indivisible self identity. It is part of your experience. All experiences depend upon the experiencer. Therefore, experiences have a dependent existence. There are four states of experience. They are waking state of experience, dream state of experience. deep sleep state and death. The waking state is exepriencing the external world through the the sense organs.Dream world is your own private, subjective world. The waking world is a public, objective that follows the laws of physics. Dream state is real as the waking state. In fact when dream state comes, the waking state goes; and when the waking state comes, the dream state goes. They are mutually contradictory.Deep is most enjoyable as there are no thoughts. Deep sleep negates both the dream and waking states. when one arises the other disappears. The presence of one of these negates all others. Death is like extended sleep. Like deep sleep, you have nothing to worry about in that state. In death you go into deep corridor of unknown dimensions, and then you emerge somewhere else as some other form-depending upon what you have done in your previous birth.We move between these four states of experience. All these four states negate each other and depend upon the experiencer's subjecve consciousnesss- hence, they are called maya.
The three laws of maya are 1 ) Everything changes and nothing is permenant in this world.2 )Everyghin is interdependent 3 ) Everything is within the law of balance and equilibrium. (the world exists in a delicate and dynamic balance of sattva, rajas and tamas, - the good, active and the dull)
Ecstasy of Meditation
Our wisdom tradition prescribes the daily practice of meditation as a way out of this mess, as a way to recover our sholeness and to re-establish in Self. In this we will discuss the meaning of meditation, the meditator, and the process of meditation.
Meditation becomes meaningful only when we have an idea about the three factors involved in the practice of meditation, namely,
1) the objective of meditation
2)the nature of the subject engaged in meditation; and
3)the psycho-physical instruments involved in meditation.
Unless there is clarity about the meditator, the meditated upon and instruments of mediation, our attempt to meditate becomes difficult.
There are three fundamental worldviews that explain our tri-partite existence- the interconnectivity between individuals, the world and God. These worldviews are; Advaida Vedanta, Dvaita Vedanta and Bauddha Vedanta These three worldviews hold different conceptions of God, the individual and of the world.  According to Dvaita Vedanta, the individual is different from God, the world and other individuals. Advaita Vedanta upholds the unity of all three categories of existence, whereas Buddhism teaches emptiness of all three concepts.
In Dvaita Vedanta, the effort is to meditate upon a transcendental and objective God to forget this imermanent and fleeting world of pain and sorrow. The dvaitic meditator tries to constrict his thoughts about the world, keeping them at a bare minimum. Ideally, he thinks about the world only when biological needs arise and rest of the time he spends in contemplation of god. His thought, even while he attends to his biological needs will be that "By God's grace, I am able to fulfill these needs."The meditator's attention is focused upon a diety who is all powerful, who has created the world. It could be any God, Guru or on the mantra to which you were given during initiation.It is with the belief that when worldly sojourn is over, you go back to the diety of your worship after death.
In Advaita Vedanta, neither the individual nor the world is separate from God. The One Reality that is infinite Consciousness, manifestgs as God, the individual and the world.Focusing on a diety is like trying to focus your attention on a single dark dot among many on a white screen. As you focus on one or a few allied black dots, your attention has to integrate all the dots and the white screen. the meditation is comprehencsive, choice-less, inclusive and conflict free. This is absolute peace in that holistic meditation.
In Buddhistic practice everything is sunya. All forms, in reality, are emptiness. Your individuality is emptiness. It apears in a certain form, but in reality it is emptiness. It is like peeling off the layers of an onion. What remains when you have peeled off an onion is nothing but a few tears. If you go the heart of form, there is nothingness, and god also is emptiness. Buddhist meditation is seeing the emptiness in the form. According to Buddha, all our experiences are structures of Consciousness that appear and disappear.So, too, the whole world, our own idea about ourselves, and our idea of God-all these are structures.
On the contrary, Vedanta says all that we expereence are structures in Consciousness, and when structures disintegrate Consciousnesss remains. When Buddha says is that there are only structures. Consciousness is also just a structure.When you see a form, you must equally be able to see formlessness. for the Buddhists formlessness is Emptiness, for Advaitin formlessness is Fullness.
What you have to do in meditation is just be aware. This is called vipasana in Buddhism and saksibhava in advaita Vedanta. Asana means "to remain" Vipasana means" to remain without any conclusion" Sakshivhavana is reaction-free witnessing. Both term indicate the same idea in practice. According to Vedanta, in mediation you remain the blissful Self, without any distracting thoughts. According to Buddhism, at the heart of all experiences is emptiness. The dvaitin sees the beatific face of his Lord at the centre of the world. Dvaitin meditation is Upasana. Upa means "near" and asana means "to sit"That is sit near God. Seeing Emptiness is called nirvana in Buddhism. Seeing fullness is called prajnasamadhi or aporaksha anubhuti in Advaita Vedanta.
Integral meditation-For the modern man's meditation, all these three streams of spiritual traditions need to be integrated. You must be able to focus upon an inspiring theme(Upasana). You may concentrate on the star studded night sky. You may concentrate on any theme that interest to you. Develop the ability of concentration before meditaton.This is dharana. From Dharana comes dhyanam  and from dhyana comes the experience of fusion between you, the one who concentrates and the object upon which you concentrate. The gap between you and the object is closed, and that experience is samadhi.
Visvarup Darsana - Detached concentration is called contemplation or reflection. It is like watching from a distance and not getting lost in the process.In detached concentration, the mind becomes tolerant,accomadative and quiet while you are interacting. It is easy to experience quietude when you don't interact, but that deceptive quietude is equivalent to sleep. In sleep mind is quiet, but is not alert. So sleep is not meditation.
By detached concetration you reflect the world, see the world in its true nature. when you are able to interact with the world and concentrate at will, with a detached frame of mind, then your mind will remain absolutely quiet without getting disturbed.This state is mystically expressed as visvarupa Darsana
Samadhi, the Final Gift. - Detachment and concentration go together. when you develop these two abilities-to concentrate and to detatch-your depths manifest, your spiritual dimension unfolds. You will be led into the inner chambers of ectasy. Samadhi is a gift, not an act. It just happens. The experience of unfolding your inner spiritual nfinitude through a quiet,mature mind-while interacting with the world- is the ultimate meaning of samadhi. It is not a static but a dynamic process. Samadhi is Self-Unfoldment in an interactive world.

Note : This is only a scribbling note. These are purely my understanding. These may or may not be the correct one. This is not to hurt anybody's feeling.