What is Awareness?
There is a good story about awareness in Upanishad. A wife stands in front of Tapovanam and her Rishi husband asks her
RH : Where are you?
Wife: I am in front of Hut (Tapovanam)
RH : Where is the Hut ?
Wife: Hut is in the foot hills of Himalayas
RH : Where is Himalayas?
Wife: It is in India
RH : Where is India?
Wife: It is in EarthRH : Where is Earth?
Wife: It is in Space
Wife: It is in EarthRH : Where is Earth?
Wife: It is in Space
RH : Where is Space?
Wife: It is in Mind RH : Where is Mind?
Wife: It is in BodyRH : Where your body?
Wife: It is in front of the Hut in the foot hills of Hamalayas
Wife: It is in Mind RH : Where is Mind?
Wife: It is in BodyRH : Where your body?
Wife: It is in front of the Hut in the foot hills of Hamalayas
It will go on and on as a cycle till it is realised that everything is in awareness. To realise anything you need awareness. This awareness is what we are.
If you take a flower, say a rose, then you know that it is rose.Then if you start analysing every petal and find the reason for its colour and shape at some stage you will end up saying I do not know. So for any object there is a known and unknown fact and the whole is nothing but the sum of known and unknown. The sum of known and unknown is what we call awareness.
If you take a flower, say a rose, then you know that it is rose.Then if you start analysing every petal and find the reason for its colour and shape at some stage you will end up saying I do not know. So for any object there is a known and unknown fact and the whole is nothing but the sum of known and unknown. The sum of known and unknown is what we call awareness.
In our midst, there are men of God or holy men ant this is particularly the case in India. I believe that for every thousand of those figures, there is only one amongst them who is genuine. Caution, wisdom and discernment are invaluable attributes in a person who is seeking to follow a spiritual master or guru. However, sometimes by experiencing spurious spiritual teachers we are made ready for the genuine. I learnt two important lessons from these experiences; to never blindly sway with the enigmatic influences of others and to discern wisely through meditation and direct communication with the Divine. I believe that if you sincerely ask the Divine One a question sitting in meditative silence for twenty minutes or more, an answer will come. It may not be immediate, or necessarily the answer you are seeking, but you will be given an indication of which pathway to follow.
Furthermore, it is important that a guru or guide should not be a substitute for our direct connection to our Creator or our ascension into higher realms of consciousness. Unfortunately, there are too many people who use their gurus as a crutch and turn to them for every minor question or problem. As a result, they never really learn to walk on their own on the spiritual pathway.
Hence, rather than reaching out for answers from an external source, I suggest that one should commence this journey by looking within; finding the Divinity and wisdom that is latent within each one of us. Hence, we really do not need anyone to communicate with the Divine on our behalf; we are His children created in His image and need to strive to establish a direct relationship. One may need human teachers to help us on our pathway but I believe there is no need to confine our self to one human teacher or to one belief system. Learn to listen to all with an open mind, be receptive and then follow the truth by looking within and following one's own heart and gut; discern and judge with wisdom. This is what meditation teaches, to go within and follow the truth by looking within and following one's own heart and gut; discern and judge with wisdom. This is what meditation teaches, to go within and follow the Divinity that exists within each one of us.
However, to encapsulate, the most important lesson I did learn from the research study was the difference between religious laws that are made by man, and spiritual laws that are universal. For instance, if a woman wants to inter-marry,, it is frowned upon by a sections of the clergy but not by God. I do not believe the Divine One sent down prophets to divide humankind into different religious groups. Nor does God propagate human to fight in His name. All prophets and spiritual masters spoke and speak today about the same fundamental truth; the law of love, giving and receiving and the law of karma-reaction, resound and reflection of our actions.
Religious dogmas appear to be different, as each prophet ha interpreted them according to the particular cultural setting and times. Humankind has misused and abused these truths to manipulate, control and divide. I do not believe we have these differences in the spiritual realm. As spiritual beings we have no differences in terms of religion, race, colour and gender.
Life after Life
I remember waking up one morning at home at about 4.30 am, and I just know that this was it..This was the day I was going to die. So I called fa few friends and said goodbye. I wake up my hospice care taker and hold her, I had a private agreement with her that she would leave my dead body alone for six hours, since I had read that all kinds of interesting things happen when you die, I went back to sleep
The next thing I remember is the beginning of a typical near-death experience. Suddenly I was fully aware and I was standing up, but my body was in the bed..There was this darkness around me. Being out of my body was even more vivid than ordinary experience. It was so vivid that I could see every room in the house, I could see the top of the house, I could see around the house, I could see under the house.
There was this Light shining .I turned toward the Light. The Light was very similar to what many other people have described in their near-death experiences. It was so magnificent. It is tangible; You can feel it. It is alluring; you want to go to it like you would want to go to your ideal mother’s or father’s arms. As I began to move toward the Light, I knew intuitively that if I went to the Light, I would be dead. So I was moving toward the Light I said, “Please wait a minute, just hold on a second here. I want to think about this; I would like to talk to you before I go. “To my surprise, the entire experience hailed on that point. You are in control of your life after death experience. You are not on a roller coaster ride.
So my request was honored and I had some conversations with the Light. The Light kept changing into different figures, like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mandalas and signs. I asked the Light, “what is going on here? Please, Light clarify yourself for me. I really want to know the reality of the situation “ I cannot really say the exact words, because it was sort of telepathy. The Light responded. The information transferred to me was that during, your life after death experience your beliefs shape the kind of feedback you are getting before the Light. If you were a Buddhist or Catholic or Fundamentalist, you get a feedback loop of your own stuff. I became aware that what I was really seeing was our higher Self ,matrix.
We all have a higher Self, or an over soul part of our being. It revealed itself to me in its trust energy form. The only way I can really describe it is that the being of the higher Self is more like a conduit. It did not look like that, but it is a direct connection to the Source that each and every one of us has. We are directly connected to the Source. So the Light was showing me the higher Self matrix. I was not committed to one particular religion. So that is what was being fed back to me during my life after death experience.
…We have a grid around the planet where all the higher Selves are connected. This is like a great company, a next subtle level of energy around us, the spirit level, you might say. Then, after a couple of minutes, I asked for more clarification. I really wanted to know what the universe is about, and I was ready to go to that time. I said “I am ready, take me”
Then the Light turned into the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen; a mandala(sacred geometry) of human souls on this planet…..The human soul, the human matrix, that we all make together is absolutely fantastic, elegant, exotic, everything. I just cannot say enough about how it changed my opinion of human beings in that instant. I said “Oh, God, I did not know how beautiful we are. “ At any level, high or low, in whatever shape you are in, you are the most beautiful creation, you are.
The revelations coming from the Light and seemed to go on and on, then I asked the Light, “Does this mean that Mankind will be saved?” Then, like a trumpet blast with a shower of spiraling lights, the Great light spoke, saying “Remember this and never forget; you save, redeem and heal yourself. You always have. You always will. You were created with the power to do so from before the beginning of the world.”
At this point, I found myself in a profound stillness, beyond all silence. I could see or perceive forever, beyond Infinity I was in the Void. I was in pre-creation, before the Big Bang I had crossed over the beginning of time / the First word/the First vibration. I was at one with Absolute Life and Consciousness. When I say that I could see or perceive forever, I mean that I could experience all of creation generating itself. It was Bang as a single event which created the Universe. I saw during my life after death experience that the Big Bang is only one of an infinite number of Big Bangs creating Universes endlessly and simultaneously. The only images that even come close in human terms would be those created by super computers using geometry equations.
It took me years after I returned from my near-death experience to assimilate any words at all for the Void experience. I can tell you this now; The void is less than nothing, yet more than everything that is. The void is absolute zero; chaos forming all possibilities. It is Absolute Consciousness; much more than even Universal intelligence. The Void is the vacuum or nothingness between all physical manifestation. The SPACE between atoms and their components. Modern science has begun to study this space between everything. They call it Zero point. Whenever they try to measure it, their instruments go off the scale, or to infinity, so to speak. They have no way, as of yet, to measure infinity accurately. There is more of the 0 space in your own body and the Universe than anything else! What mystics call the Void is not a void. It is so full of energy, a different kind of energy that has created everything that we are. Since my return (into my body) I have experienced the Light spontaneously, and I have learned how to get to that space almost any time in my meditation. Each one of you can do this. You do not have to die or have a near-death experience to do this. It is within your equipment; you are wired for it already. The body is most magnificent Light being there is. The body is a universe of incredible Light. Spirit is not pushing us to dissolve this body. That is not what is happening. Stop trying to become God; God is becoming you here
To Connect with Atma
Meditate in silence, still all thoughts and disconnect from body awareness for at least twenty minutes
Listen and be one with Nature and your surroundings……
Practice non-judgement
Describe youself
On a piece of paper describe yourself using key words eg., kind, impatient, angry etc
Contemplate on the words your significant others(parents, teachers, siblings) used to describe you as a young child
In a meditative state affirm your true reality.
I am not this, not this – I am God, I am Divine
The Law of Karma and Consequence
A Life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing – George Bernard Shaw
What we sow, that we will reap. Karma implies the action of making conscious choices. Life is about learning and it is perfectly alright to make mistakes and learn from them. Everything that is happening to you in this moment is the result of the choices that you have made in the past. Unfortunately, a lot of us make choices unconsciously and therefore we do not think they are choices. We are constantly involved in karma, breathing and living in the physical body involves karma. All karma starts with a thought.
Most people act in a robot-like fashion without understanding the Law of Karma and Consequence. For every thought there is a word(decision) which leads to an action and then a consequence. Just because we do not see the consequences immediately does not mean they will not take place. All actions have consequences so we need to think wisely. Think before you think, speak and act. When you have difficulty making decisions, ask yourself, what would the Divine One do in these circumstances? Do I have divine thoughts, intentions, words and actions?
There are two types of karmic action; sensory or binding karma and karma that liberates the soul. The sensory or binding karma are connected to outcomes and desires while the other type of karma has no interest in consequence or outcome and is performed as an act of pure giving or happiness, expecting nothing in return. Medication practices can be binding karma or pure karma dedicated to the Divine. Sensory karma is like a fly that gets distracted and rushes around garbage whereas the other type of karma is like a bee that only gets after nectar. i.e. pure divine thoughts.
The Law of Detachment
To become attached to someone or something is to become excessively worried and preoccupied with a person or problem, trying to control the person or the environment. This is generally, only applicable to adult relationships and not necessarily to young children. When we are attached to someone or something we become rescuers, emotionally dependent and reactionaries. We react to the excessive emotions and do not think with wisdom and so we “get blown about by every wind” instead of acting authentically of our own volition.
Detachment is not a cold, hostile withdrawal nor is it removal of our love and concern. Detachment is mentally and emotionally disengaging from someone or something as we allow each person to be responsible for themselves. I believe detachment is a state of independence, self sufficiency, wisdom and discernment. Thereby, we are working for the highest good of others and ourselves as we allow spiritual growth to occur. We allow people to face their own proverbial “music” we allow people to be who they are. We provide them and ourselves with the freedom and responsibility to grow.
We give ourselves that same freedom and live our lives to the best of our ability;. We strive to ascertain what it is we can change and what we cannot change and then, we stop trying to change things we cannot.
Detachment involves living in the present moment. We allow life to happen without trying to control it. We relinquish regrets over the past and fears about the future. Detachment also involves accepting reality, and accepting our true nature, having faith in others, God and ourselves.
Detachment does not mean that we do not care. Rather it means that we learn to love, care and be involved in such a manner as to make good decisions without allowing excessive emotions to take charge.
Purpose of life
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
Man is on a long pilgrimage towards God. He moves from one life to another to the glory of his splendor. On his way he has to take shelter in many caravan sites, but however attractive these may be, he cannot strike root but has to remind himself of the journey’s end.
Purpose of Life is
·To “play” , as we are God and have separated from our original Self to experience Creation.
·To learn in this world of contrasts and duality and grow with wisdom
·To learn to really love self and others
·To help other human beings and the rest of creation
·To understand and return to our true nature
All human beings experience some problems in life. Life is like a roller coaster ride; sometimes we face difficulties and feel we are moving downward and sometimes things run smoothly and we feel elated as we move upwards. We have to first accept the truth that life is full of changes – the ups and downs. Some of us develop tools or techniques to solve life’s problems. However, as problem solving is hard work and a painstaking process, most of us try to avoid it.Nonetheless, it is through problem solving that we grow spiritually. A few of us view problems as opportunities for growth and learn a lot from problem solving and the mistakes we make. However, perhaps the majority of us, go to great lengths to avoid problems, by either sweeping things under the rug or living in a world of make believe – pretending the problem does not exist. Still others hide from addressing problems by consuming food, alcohol, drugs and other stimulants or by being pre-occupied with other distractions. The problem does ont go away but builds n strength and momentum to hit us with a greater force. In facing suffering and pain that we cannot escape from, we are forced to pay attention and make the effort to learn from our mistakes and hopefully, change. The great majority of people live life with constant negative thoughts of the future that is, with worries. Worries are mentally created fearful thoughts, anticipating the worst in the future, rather than focusing on the now. Worry is created through pessimistic visualization and can manifest in the physical. So be careful if you focus on worrying thoughts. Meditation teaches us to live in the now addressing the issues at hand realistically.
We are divine beings choosing this planetary school for learning.. I believe there is life on other planets and in other Universes beyond. We humans establish a contract with Creator prior to entering our specific individual physical bodies. We come here mainly to learn lessons; If we are no0t in tune with our soul purpose we could get depressed, unhappy, agitated and feel unfulfilled.
We have debts that we must pay(karma) and we are re-born until all these debts are repaid. Karma is about learning and not about punishment. We all have a life plan and agreement which we know about prior to our physical birth and we have free will.
How can we have both a plan and contract that we make prior to taking on physical body and yet also have free will? How can Destiny and Free-will co-exist?
For instance, at work we may choose to work on a project and we may also have a contract or larger plan for that work. We would have a framework or outline of the outcomes and tasks we need to do. How we do things and the finer details of the tasks at hand are really left to our free will and discretion. Similarly in choosing our parents we choose the country of our birth, our siblings, our socio-economic background, our education and the circumstances and lessons for our soul. Souls reserve a particular person to be their vehicle into the physical realm around the time of conception. During the gestation period in the first few months in the womb, the soul of the unborn child visits by entering and then departing from the womb many times, as it is still mostly connected to the spirit realm. The soul is eternal and cannot be harmed by death, miscarriages or by abortion.
Without darkness, we cannot understand light and so , to understand ife and the purpose of it, we need to understand death and the real world beyond the physical realm. When we die, our souls progress to higher dimensions and we take our behaviours, knowledge and experiences with us. We do not take what we have accumulated materially so it is important to think, speak and act positively and with goodness. Death is a period of dissolution and breakdown of our body before our consciousness moves to higher realms. So we do not really die, but merely walk through a door to higher level of consciousness. Theory of Dissipative “Structures by Belgian physicist Llya Prigogine suggests that a period of dissolution, chaos, and breakdown is required before a molecule, society or an organization can move to a higher level.
We just have a look at nature to realize that before spring and, the growth of new life, comes winter, where leaves and foliage have to fall and die. A seed can grow into a flower only after it has swollen and died. The threads of what may appear to be disaster and random error for us are eventually creating an unseen new tapestry of wholeness and beauty. In our lives, creative newness comes after periods of crisis, pain and suffering, which force us to change old beliefs attitudes and behavioural patterns.
Some facts about people who have had NDE is reported below
·Leaving their bodies from a hole at the crown of their head or of being lifter out of their bodies.
·People have reported the next phase as being pushed through a tunnel
·Sometimes people have reported dad relative, angels, helpers, and guides arriving to assist the soul/spirit on its onward journey
·Some people have reported encountering a divine light, radiating absolute forgiveness and love
·Some individuals who have experienced NDE as a result of trying to kill themselves have often met with beings of light who have told them to learn to love themselves and that life is a great gift and privilege.
·A third of people who have experienced NDE, have spoken about life review. A supreme being conducts a review where all of life appears at once, like a hologram, where you evaluate your thoughts, words and deeds. You feel joy when you have given joy and pain when you have caused pain to others
·Most people who have experienced NDE have reported that we take human form in order to learn the most important lesson; that of live. To receive and give love. To become wiser and more creative.
Things to do to achieve and fulfill your life’s purpose
·Live in present. To live in the past or the future is to worry. Learn from the past and plan the future but live in the moment.
·Be aware of your true nature and self. You are divine, immortal and changeless
·Do not fear death or get attached to the unreal(physical and material world). Death is like changing your clothes. You change your body and move to the next level of consciousness. Death should be a joyful celebration
·Do not identify with the body, identify with divine consciousness. Body identification and working to appease our senses brings us suffering and pain. Detach from gratifying your body and material attachment.. “Less luggage, more comfort, make travel a pleasure” implying to carry less material baggage.
·Happiness is union with God. Why seek god externally when you can reach the Divine from within?
Who Am I ?
We are not just the body, we are not just the mind, we are only, mind and spirit. We are spiritual beings chose to come into physical body to experience the expansion of love. The majority of us living on the planet at the moment have had on average more than one thousand incarnation. When we return to the spiritual realm it is said that at first we review our lifetime and our lessons. Depending on the progress we have made we choose the next vehicle of our birth (our mother) for the next set of lessons. In choosing our (earth) mother we choose our father, our siblings, the country of our birth, our culture, religion, nationality, socio-economic background. I believe we can take as much time as we want in reviewing our lessons and learning from our mistakes. I also believe we have a choice in being incarnated or not.
It is said that our Higher Self(HS) undertakes a contract with our spiritual guides to learn some important lessons when we choose a life. A soul contract is an agreement we make with our spiritual guides on what we need to accomplish in an incarnation and may be similar to the contact we sign before we commence work in a job. We have a discussion with our guides about our expected lessons, our duties, tasks and responsibilities..The details (choices of how we finally achieve these tasks are left to our free will.
Humankind is intrinsically part of the One Divine energy but in the physical reality humankind is born predominantly with one of the four aspects of God’s energy. She names the energies: physical, intellectual, emotional and discriminating. She states that these predominant energy patterns create a program in us. This program determines a pattern of behavior that controls whether we place more importance on feeling sensing thinking or reasoning and judging. We have three programs in our subconscious; the one from the four energies outlined above, the one based on the karma of our previous lives and the one we develop in this present life. We are all working towards balancing the different aspects or energies in us so that we can return to being Divine.
The self images are developed through
1. What others think I am
2. What I think of myself
3. Who I really am
From “ I” to “ U “
Your gross body is like the outer leather cover of the football, and your subtle body is like the rubber bladder inside it. What is inflated with air of ego, the football of your body receives kicks after kicks in the game of life.. If the air of ego is removed, it becomes deflated and therefore receives no more kicks.
To overcome the delusion of “I am the body” it is important to consider that if we perceive the body as the Self, the real self will never become apparent. We need to identify with the atma. How can a droplet of water comprehend the vast ocean? As soon as the droplet loses its own identity and distinction by merging in the ocean, in that very instant, it becomes one with the ocean. From that moment onwards all questions regarding the size and shape of the droplet become meaningless and redundant. Similarly, when our inner vision opens, when we lose identity with the body-mind. It is a state of mind or the functioning of the mind, when we lose identity with the body mind complex and experience and become aware of atma, all doubts will dissolve. So what is the ego? It is a state of mind or the functioning of the mind, when the mind identifies with the little self (body, mind and personality) and / or the Higher self(atma), I believe an unhealthy “ego is the mind identifying with only the small self: that is the body, mind and personality. On the other hand a “healthy” ego is one where the self is working through and taking full advantage of identifying with the body and personality but is also is full awareness of the divinity, giving the Source its due credit and acknowledgement for the doership and creation. Often, when people habitually refer to the ego of a person they mean someone who has pride, arrogance and is selfish. I believe unhealthy ego is when the energy or consciousness of divine goes, “E” in ego stands for energy, consciousness or divinity and go standing for goes or gone. When we are n the human experience as mechanical “doer” forgetting the divinity in us and others, in that moment of “doership” we develop pride, arrogance, competition and selfishness. It is what I term the “separated-self”
We cannot have a human experience or create without the functioning of the ego. For instance can I write a book or bake a cake without the ego that is, the mind identifying with my-self? The mind and its identity with body and personality is essential for all Creation in this physical world of duality. Psychologists look at the ego as the self “organizing principle” and not as the enemy to spiritual growth. A person without “ego” development may be susceptible to depression and low self esteem. You need to have full “ego” on the inside but “zero ego “ on the outside. What it means is that we need to have full awareness that we are God but not be arrogant and boastful about our accomplishments.
Human being is made up of physical, psychological and spiritual self. The physical is the body. The psychological comprises mind, which generates emotions and spirit, which is the atma.
Human Mind
The human mind is made up of a bundle of thoughts. Thoughts are the highly potent energies that even survive the death of the body. We take nothing with us but our thoughts after death. The whole cosmos is the projection of the mind. The human mind is that part of us that thinks, is involved in inquiry, collecting information, storing information and decision-making. It is the human mind that deceives humankind into believing himself or herself to be separate and limited from Divinity. In comparison to infinite consciousness, the mind is only a drop in a vast ocean. However this drop can dissolve back into the ocean thd therefore, be the ocean. Do not give all your thoughts immediate expression; select, ponder and then speak out.
There are different subtle forms or elements of the mind. The mind displays these varied forms depending on the roles it assumes. Generally speaking we associate the mind with the process of thought forms. When it is involved with the process of inquiry we call it the intellect. When it is engaged with discernment, choosing right from wrong, we call it the consciousness. When it is storing or collecting information, we call it memory. When the mind identifies itself with the body in action, we call it ego.
The mind is an instrument that should control and direct the five senses. It is full of thoughts and desires and assumes the form of object to which it is attached. If it gets fixed on small things, t becomes small; if it is attached to big things, it becomes grand. Like a camera, it takes a picture of whatever it is pointed at, so take care before you click!
The senses are the prime motivating force for the mind and illusions it suffers from We yearn to own what we have become attached to. Most problem we face stem from thwarted desires and this creates a breeding ground for negative emotions such as jealousy, envy, anger and so on.
Many people spend a significant portion of their lives escaping from their problems in the present. They mourn he past or are anxious about the future. We endeavor to escape from our reality.We should not run away from problems but take responsibility and address them and in doing so, live in the here and the now.
We usually associate the mind with the body. However when we go beyond the conscious mind (the senses experienced through the body) and even the subconscious mind (past experience), we experience the divine in the super conscious(the spiritual part of human consciousness)
In the dream state none of the senses are working. The mind assumes all the function of the senses. The entire world is a projection of the mind. When mind is properly directed, all the senses will be under control
The mind creates images or pictures from information previously picked up by the senses. These images are automatically translated into words or a language that we are brought up with – this is the process of generating thoughts; Thoughts originate in the mind; they express themselves through words and are materialized through actions. Thoughts are created from our limited personal experience, early conditioning, current situation and past lives. Thoughts are not necessarily true or factual. There can be a vast difference between what we think and the wisdom available within us, which we can access through meditation.
Non directed thoughts can include:
1. Thoughts initiated by sensory input from the senses.
2. Memories – thoughts stores in the subconscious mind.
3. Anticipations – thoughts about the future but picked up from previous experiences in the subconscious mind.
4. Daydreams – thoughts about future desires
Thoughts are represented in our subconscious and conscious mind as images and symbols.. essentially, the whole world is a symbol. We have to rely on the senses to pick up information from the environment and then the brain interprets this information depending on our past experiences. This information is then processed by our consciousness. Symbols constitute a non-verbal language. Our perception and interpretation of the symbols in the universe can alter our relationship to the universe. The content of our thoughts cannot exceed our understanding and the programming and conditioning that we have encounter in our lives. Our brain accepts the data from the optic nerves and due to a learning process we automatically see and understand or recognize the data and project the image in our imagination. We need to be open to the idea that everything we encounter has both the qualities inherent to its nature and the possibility of being a symbol for the one who sees.
What is energy?
Energy is in us and all the things around us. We are latticework of energies, emitting an aura or electromagnetic field in common with the rest of matter. In scientific terminology, energy is defined as “the capacity for doing work”. We use energy to perform all of our activities, from baking a cake to sending astronauts into space. Energy comes in different forms such as heat(thermal), light(radiant). ,mechanical, electrical, chemical, and nuclear energy. Energy is either stored(potential) energy or dynamic, that is, working(kinetic)energy. For example, the food you eat contains chemical energy and your body stores this energy until you release it when you work or play. The lww of conservation states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Energy can merely be transformed into another form of energy. For instance, stored energy in a flashlight’s batteries becomes light energy when flashlight is turned on. Energy has always existed in one form or another.
Thus, energy cannot be extracted from or added to an electromagnetic field without a corresponding change in the field. A thought is potential or static electromagnetic, field pattern. A thinking process represents a continually changing or dynamic electromagnetic field. As a thought changes from a static to a dynamic field, it imparts energy to and receives energy from the thinker, during the course of thinking process. When the process ends the resultant thought is stored as a static electromagnetic field pattern in the auric field. The mind is not contained within the brain. It exists throughout the body. Cleary the mind, the aura and the electromagnetic chakra system are inseparably related.
Energy sources are divided into two groups renewable(an energy source that we can use over and over again) and non-renewable (an energy source that cannot be recreated within a reasonable period of time) Renewable energy sources include solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy from inside the earth, biomass energy from plants, and hydro-electrical energy from masses of flowing water.
However, we get most of our energy from non-renewable energy sources, which include fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal. They are called fossil fuels because they are formed over millions of years by the action of heat from the Earth’s core and pressure from rock and soil, on the remains of dead plants and animals. Another non-renewable ener4gy source is the element uranium, the atoms of which we split (through a process called nuclear fission) to create heat and ultimately, electricity. We use all these energy sources to generate the electricity we need for our homes, business, schools and factories.
In spiritual terminology energy is understood in three categories
1. Universal or cosmic energy
2. Earth energy
3. Human energy or auras
Human Energy or Auras
We have our own auric field, called the human aura, which is a highly individual band of energy that surrounds us. It is basically strong electromagnetic field, we radiate electric energy and receive magnetic energy. This field of energy is luminous and extends to six or seven inches around body. Thoughts and emotions we generate affect our energy fields. As we go through life, we leave traces and imprints of our energy everywhere we go and on everything we touch. We carry energy imprints within our auric field from life time to life-time from the beginning of our incarnations. That is why some of carry certain qualities, traits and habits from previous life times. Active will power and certain meditation exercises have the potential to change these unsuitable energy imprints/. We as human organisms are a series of interacting multidimensional subtle-energy systems. That means the aura itself is generated by spinning of smaller cortices of energy located within the spiritual body. These subtle energy centers are called chakras. Our human auric or electromagnetic field is generated by spinning of these chakras.
Auric levels are grouped into three areas; the physical astral and spiritual planes. Physical plane refers to the first three levels and
The Kosas (Sheaths)
Some of the ancient Vedanta texts describe the auric field as bodies.; gross, subtle and casual. Each body has sheaths or coverings. There are five sheaths or kosas. Each sheath is interconnected and affects the other. For instance it is said, food affects not only the gross body but also our mental, intellectual and spiritual practices. The sheaths also can transfer from one to another just as ice under the right conditions converts into water and then water vapour
The annamaya kosa or gross body is maintained by food. The subtle body is made up of pranamaya kosa or vital air sheath. Prana is the vital force that holds the body and the mind. Without prana there is no life. Manomaya kosa or mental sheath is composed of mind. The mind(manas) along with the five sensory organs is said to constitute the manomaya kosa. It is affected by our emotions and thoughts and is said that man’s bondage as well as his liberation is caused by the mind.
Vijnamayah kosa or knowledge sheath is affected by your intellectual pursuits. It is the cfaculty which discriminates, determines or wills. It is associated with the organs of perception. This sheath cannot be the supreme Self for the following reasons;
·It is subject to change
·It is limited
·It is not constantly present
The casual body is the finest body that is made up of anandamayah kosa or bliss sheath. The bliss sheath is described as the finest casing of energy with the highest frequency of light. This is the spiritual body. This layer is the closest to the supreme Self or atma. In deep sleep and meditation when the mind and senses cease functioning, it still stands between the finite and the infinite world. The sheath is a reflection of the atma which is absolute bliss.
Five elements in all Creation
All of creation is made up of five elements. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. These elements undergo the process of densification to form the gross or physical world we perceive. A permutation and combination of these elements constitute the entire world that we perceive. Even the human body is made up of these five elements in different combinations. These body types are called dosas according to Ayurveda. Three main doshas are called Vata, Pita and Kapha. Each of the three doshas is composed of two elements’;
Vata, Space, Air
Pita Fire Water
Kapha Water, Earth
Although they regulate thousands of separate functions in the mind/body system, they have three basic functions. Vata dosha controls movement. The Pita dosha controls metabolism. The Kapha dosha controls structure. Your body type is the pattern you were cast in and is inherited at birth. Knowledge of your body type enables you to evolve to a more ideal state of health. Everything you create in your life first starts out as a thought and even your body follows the directions of these thoughts. The most reliable way to discover your dosha type is to visit an Ayurvedic physician. Your type can be ascertained from a simple pulse reading and through a basic examination and series of questions.
The Chakras
The idea of the subtle vital energy force(prana) and the channels aong which it flows(nadis) in the human being appear in the earliest(Upanishads, Hindu scriptures that constitute the core teachings of Vedanta in the 7th and 8th century BC) The heart was said to be the centre of the 72,000 nadis or subtle channels. It was only in the later Upanishads(2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD) that reference is first made to concepts such as chakras. The understanding of the chakras and kundalini in the West derives largely from Sir John Woodroffe’s the Serpent Power,
Chakra literally means a wheel in Sanskrit, Chakras are wheels of light that spin in our auric field and produce their own electromagnetic field. These electromagnetic fields combine to produce the auric field for each individual. There are 7 main chakras. The chakras represent the subtle anatomy of human beings and are both communicative and controlling link connecting the spirit(soul), the personality and the body.
The amount of energy produced by a particular chakra determines the colour that dominates the auric field. The human aura has at least seven layers. Each layer deals with a certain aspect of our selves. Our auras are constantly changing expanding and contracting.
Human energy is made up of fine matter, twirling at different speeds. Each level becomes finer and subtler. Generally with a degree of training, you can see the first layer. Why is it that one can see the first layer of aura but not necessarily the following six? A good analogy to help you grasp this concept is that of an electric fan. Imagine that a large fan with propeller blades is about to be switched on. When the blades sit there, motionless they are easy to see. Switch the fan on to a slow speed, you can still see them but the blades start becoming hazy. Now turn the fan to “medium” speed, the blades turn more quickly and become even more blurred. The blades look paler and lighter because of their speed. Human energy, like all other energy is made up of fine matter, twirling at different speeds.
A major chakra is defined as a point where there are 21 rays of light or energy crossing each other, the minor chakras are positioned in locations where 14 lines cross. Other, still smaller chakras are created where 7 energies cross and so on and so forth. Acupuncture and acupressure utilize this knowledge. Remember the earlier analogy of the electric fan? All energy centers spin at a frequency that we find difficult to actually see, but the experience of opening and closing the energy center enables us to appreciate that they do exist. As discussed earlier, we are all connected to God/cosmic energy. We are given cosmic energy through the top of the head. The study of the anatomy of energy is as specific and complex, as the study of physical anatomy. - it is critical to the well being of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It is important to learn how to evaluate your energy levels and study your energetic body, as various illness have different stands of associated energy. Developing inner vision, enables us to see and heal our energy bodies.
Nadis are energy pathways that connect the chakras. We have many energy lines (Nadis) or electrical currents that run through our body. The number of lines of energy that cross that point determines the significance of these chakras centers. They also carry communication and energy throughout the body. The human body is believed to contain approximately 72000 nadis. Very recently, researchers have verified the existence of these fluid like energy channels with the use of sophisticated radioactive scanning methods. They are considered to be the ethereal counterpart of the body’s vast network of peripheral nerves and nervous system. Three nadis of particular importance are the Ida, Pingala and Sushmana. . Ida, pingala and Sushmana which run through seven main chakras are
1. Muladhara(base chakra)
2. Swadhisthana(sacral region)
3. Manipura(naval centre)
4. Anahata
5. Visuddhi(Throat centre)
6. Ajna(Third eye)
7. Sushasara
There are two more chakras located in the human auric field. Approximately seven inches on top of the sahasara chakra is the Universal Energy point. (Some spiritual healers all it the solar star). Seven inches below the feet is another energy point called the earthstar or the earth energy point.
The Hologram Theory
A hologram is a flat picture that projects a three-dimensional image of something that stretches into infinity. As you move the picture slightly you see the image from a different angle, but the whole image still remains. If you cut a hologram picture in half and then looked at each half, the whole image would be visible in each of these two pieces. Cut into smaller pieces. Each piece still retains the whole picture. The hologram shows that no matter how small fragment you take from the whole, each tiny bit contains the whole. Try to relate this to human energy. The hologram theory states that each part of our energy contains the whole. Every ce;; om the ji,am npdu cpmtaoms the ,aster DNA library on how to create an entire human being.
In other words, if our fingers touch an object, it doesn’t matter that only our fingers touched it because in that touch is the energy of all we are. A touch of our fingers might make a hazy impression, but this impression would be complete.
If all our energies are combined properly, then we have the opportunity to vibrate in complete harmony. The hologram represents all of everything, every part of the earth and all its inhabitants, the galaxy and the cosmos . It contains every thought, word, action and energy within the universe.. You are therefore everything
The sense pick up information from the environment, which we perceive. Our brain encodes decodes and interprets this information and this produces a feeling. If the thoughts, perception and interpretation are positive, then we experience positive emotions such as joy and happiness. On the other hand, if the thoughts, perception and interpretation are negative then we produce destructive emotions. Destructi ve emotions bring harm to self and others. Therefore, the motivation or intent and the results or consequences of generating one’s emotions should be considered.
1. Senses picks up information
2. The mind interprets information depending on past experience
3. If the interpretation is positive you generate positive emotion – joy
4. If the interpretation is negative you generate negative emotions – anger, sadness and fear
According to Buddhist tradition emotions are generated from ego clinging, which refers to ingrained grasping of our identity that needs protection and pleasing.
We also feel that this “I” is vulnerable and that we need to protect it and please it. From that some aversion and attraction; aversion to whatever might threaten this “I” and attraction towards whatever please or reassures t is “I” and make it feel secure happy. From these two basic emotions, attraction and repulsion, a host of diverse emotions will come.
Destructive or negative emotions are not inherent in the nature of the mind. They are intermittent and arise depending on circumstances, perceptions, habits and tendencies.
Can emotions be managed and controlled? Yes. Our real nature is to be calm as we are spirit. We put on a mask of restlessnesss, anger, fear, and sadnesss, .Feelings and emotions according to the great Indian spiritual masters obscures the soul from its true nature.
Darkness is the absence of light; so also negative emotions block us from being who we really are. The body, mind, emotions and spirit are interconnected. There is an intimate relationship between the mental, emotional and physical components of our being. If for instance, we recall a traumatic incident(thought) we will emotionally experience the same feelings we felt at the time. Most of the time we tend to identify with our emotions e.g. “I am angry”, “I am sad”, “ I am happy,”. But are we our emotions? No. For emotions to be experienced, we need to interpret our thoughts.. For example, if someone calls you thick skin
1st stage: You first scan all of the sensory input. Hear the tone of voice, see the body language and take in the content of the communication.
2nd stage: Identification with sensory input. Associations with the object happen in the mind. You will think of all the past experiences you have had with the person including when he made callous remarks about you.
3rd Stage: Evaluation of data and discrimination. Was he really being offensive? You will accumulate all past experiences and information related and then make decision
4th stage: Decision making faculty invoked – to act or not to act. Should I respond. How should I respond
All this happens at great speed. It is at the 3rd or 4th stage that emotions are experienced. It is at stage 3 that we need to connect with our Atma, our divine self so that we interpret and see things only as Divine. All thoughts and emotions are energy and this energy we can feel in our body.
The four types of Emotions are
1. Joy/Happiness
2. Fear
3. Anger
4. Sadness
· Anger is created from thoughts of dissatisfaction, unfullfilment.
· Sadness is created from thoughts of loss and grief, lack of love
· Fear is created with future worrying thoughts gloom and doom
· Joy and happiness are created with thoughts of satisfaction, fulfillment
· Bliss is a state of being, Love, Divinity the final goal of meditation
Predominantly anger comes up in my throat, neck region. Fear in my stomach region and sadness in my heart. The back heart chakra I feel jealously and envy and so on.
Start a journal. On one side of each page, write a specific problem you are encountering. Then, ask yyour guides and angels for a miracle or solution to your problem. Pay attention to coincidences that may occur. Often spirit communicates to us through coincidences. When your problem is resolved through guidance or divine intervention, write the results on the other side of the page. You will see how quickly the angels perform miracles. This is also a good way of recording your communication with your guides and angels. If you could ask your guides for a miracle to occur what you ask for
Intuition is an inner knowingness, a strong gut level feeling that we get when we are in touch with our higher consciousness or when we receive guidance from our spirit guides, guardian angels or Divinity. When one practices meditation regularly intuition, insight, creativity, telepathy, connection, sensitivity to others increases. Intuition is receiving information through pathway other than our traditional five senses. We can intuitively communicate to animals and plants and feel the connection to all living beings. Intuitive faculties vary from person to person and also within the same person at different times. Humankind is moving towards being more intuitive, that is being capable of direct information that is unlimited by belief, space and time. We are connected to each other and therefore capable of influencing each other.
Desire are thoughts connected to cravings, wishes, needs and expectations that we have, related to the future. Desires are necessary for creating and manifesting our dreams and goals. However, when there are negative emotions(such as fear, anger and sadness) attached to a desire, it does not generally manifest into reality. Some desires are excessive attachment to objects or things or persons we want, where we cannot see a balance between the pleasant and the unp[leasant, constructive and destructive qualities in someone or something. This causes us to become desperate in wanting the object or person. Aversion is the opposite of desire, making us negative, repel, destroy or run away from the object or person. Desires are like pebbles thrown in calm waters, as they create waves of agitation and rob us of peace. Unfulfilled desires lead to grief and suffering.
Attachments are thoughts related to a possessive feeling we have about someone or something that we already have in the present. However, we feel strongly about having to give that somebody or something up. Most of us confuse attachment with love. Attachments are associated with thoughts of fear of losing something or someone. We are rigidly preprogrammed about most things in our experience and desire and attachment generally become matters of habit. However, we need to remind ourselves that we have been given freedom of thought and action; We can choose not just our actions, but also our thoughts. Often “silence” that is, what you may think is not choosing, is also a choice. Each choice we make has a consequence and we have to take responsibility for the choices we make..
Desires and attachments come alive during the wakeful state and dream state. However in sleep we are in a state of desirelessness. Desires or attachments are the basis of and the cause for the body mind system. If we did not have a body or mind we would not have desires or attachments. Desires are realized only thorough medium of the body. The Atma or the spiritual part of man does not have desires or attachments.
The Divine One first created us in perfect spirit form. We, separated parts of the Source choose one – freedom to explore the physical reality and two. – growth in consciousness and therefore, we were given a physical form. We choose and contract to learn the lessons we need and then enter the physical realm. The physical realm is characterized by networks of relationships. Hence we can only learn and grow in relationships
The goal o life is the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom of SELF. The people we are in relationships are a mirror of ourselves and simultaneously, we a mirror of them. Therefore a relationship is one of the most powerful tools for growth. If we look honestly at our relationships we can see so much about ourselves, our belief systems, our self-image and who we really are.
We attract into our lives those people and experiences we need to teach us whatever it is we need to learn. Negative experiences and relationships where there is conflict and turmoil are therefore necessary for our learning and growth. Difficult people in our lives are really opportunities for growth. We need not run away or shoot them as they bring messages for us to change. We learn wisdom from failure and pain much more than what we learn from success and pleasure and therefore difficult relationships are powerful tools and learning and evolution.
Every issue, belief and attitude that you have is responsible for the quality of your relationship to yourself and to another human being. If you are unhappy about relationship, examine it and ask yourself what aspect of this relationship mirrors your thoughts and beliefs. When you change those thoughts, beliefs and let go of old patterns – you will let go of relationships that do not nourish or support you.
If you want to learn the secret to establishing good relationships, it is to become conscious of every thought, belief and attitude you have in that relationship(about self and each other) and make sure they come from Divine Love and Wisdom. Divine Love is giving love without conditions, judgements, expectations and boundaries and accepting people as they are.
If the purpose of life is growth and development, then all relationships exist for a purpose – to enhance spiritual growth of yourself and your partner. Life is full of problems and therefore it is inevitable that all marriages and intimate relationships will also experience problems. We have to first accept this truth. We have to learn to listen to message ad not shoot the messenger. That is, each relationship brings lessons and we must not get angry with the messenger and blame him/her for the problem, but ask yourself why is this happening to me? What can I do to stop inviting this pattern of events into my ife? The purpose of a close relationship is to enhance each other’s growth. All relationships will inevitable experience problems. Most couples expect to experience most, if not all, of the following in their relationship; love, companionship, personal sacrifice, compatibility, communication, commitment and intimacy.
The kundalini is the cosmic energy or chitta(universal consciousness) that lies dormant in every human being in the mooladhara chakra. Once it is awakened our spiritual evolution is assured. The kundalini is evolutionary energy that leads “ fallen” humankind back to the Creator/ The kundalini once awakened uncoils and begins a journey towards the sahasara chakra to become one with Divinity.
Man bears the whole Universe within himself and comes closest to the mystery of the world by stepping, inside of himself.
Man seeks joy in far places and places in quiet spots, but the spirit of joy is in his heart, the heavens of peace is in him.
What is Yoga?
It is not physical exercises and some postures performed mechanically Yoga means join, unite or fuse with GOD.
Yoga is so ancient, that it is difficult to accurately state its origins. When we consider that yoga, by most accounts, is at least two or three thousand years old, it is sobering to realize the vast depth of knowledge that the ancient Indian sages possessed. Meditation is an integral part of yoga. Patanjali, a famous Indian sage, described yoga as the means by which our mind can be made still, quiet and free from all distractions.
Meditation is consciously directing your attention inward to alter your state of consciousness. There’s no limit to the things you can direct your attention towards symbol, sounds, colours, breath uplifting thoughts, spiritual realms and so on. Meditation is simply about attention and intention – where you direct it and how it alters your consciousness.
In the western world, meditation is loosely confused with “relaxation”. Relaxation is a by-product of meditation but meditation is infinitely more than relaxation. In its truest sense, it is union with Divine Consciousness and self-realisaton.
Meditation is going within, with the intention of knowing oneself. The goal of meditation is to attain oneness with cosmic and Divine Consciousness. This is achieved by transcending obstacles of the mind and the body. In deep meditation a person cn achieve such single mindedness that the senses are withdrawn and oblivious to external interferences.
Human being is made p of mind, body and soul(spirit) The mind has different aspects; the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the super-conscious mind.
Mind operates in four states of consciousness
·Waking consciousness – we work in co-ordination of the upper and lower brain and twin hemispheres
·Dream – dominated by subconscious mind – lower brain
·Deep sleep – mental fluctuations suppressed
·Unconscious consciousness or meditation; no mind but still alert and complete consciousness
The conscious mind is that part of the mind that operates in the present, collecting information from all the senses. The subconscious mind is the storehouse of all past thoughts, words and deeds from all experiences in this life and previous lives. The super conscious mind is everything n the universe. It is the pure essence of Divinity
Hindu scriptures expound that mind is made up of four main aspects or elements:
1. Manas – the deductive aspect of the mind. It is the “conscious” mind that collects information from the five senses and is always active. This aspect of the mind dwells on thinking about the past and the future and “thrives on worries. We rarely see things exactly as they are, but coloured by mental reactions to the association of ideas.
2. Chitta – subconscious mind, also called the “heart of the mind” All past experiences are recorded here
3. Buddhi – pure wisdom is the intellectual aspect. It is also the inner voice, conscience or intuition.
4. Ahankara – or ego is activated when the mind identifies with the gross body assuming doer-ship for various activities.
The aspect of human personality which is beyond any change however, is atma, the real Self. The atma is the changeless eternal spirit or the Self. It is Divine Consciousness .The mistake lies in confusing the lifeless dwelling, the body , for the immortal dweller, the self who is the God. The aim of meditation is clearing the other aspects of the mind and becoming one with the Divine Consciousness within us.
In meditation, the conscious mind( manas) is stilled. This helps to clear negative past experiences in the subconscious mind (chitta) and enables one to get in touch with the divine consciousness within our self (Atma) and our highest wisdom (buddhi) . To experience the Atma, the surface levels of the mind have to be brought to total stillness. Meditation is integrated total awareness in the present moment and being in harmony and oneness with all around you. The culmination of meditation is self-realisation. Consciousness moves beyond exploration of the mind and identifies with the central core of one’s existence – the Self.
What is consciousness?
Consciousness is a state of heightened awareness of who we really are and our purpose on planet earth. Some of us are still fine tuning ourselves to our purpose ad meditation is a key to gain heightened awareness? Most people prefer to look outward for divine wisdom but the Divine is complete within the self, it is the archetype of perfection . It is the proprietor of each soul’s innate design and ultimate destiny. The essence of the Divine is really far beyond our human mental concepts and language is a tool that is too limited to define it. Meditation is a the tool which goes beyond language. It is the act or state of experiencing who we are. When people are unaware of their inner wisdom and wholeness, they tend to search for order and security outside themselves but this focus is alien to the real knowing and experience meditation been the core practice of all wisdom paths. Meditation restores well being, and once your being is well, all that you do will be successful and fulfilling. Meditation is for the gross body, and meditation is for the soul and for your mind.
Intention and purpose
To experience higher consciousness is to experience a different order of space. In the deepest stages of meditation or “one-pointedness”, as your mind is truly focused, your consciousness expands or reaches a higher state. The main difficulty most of us will experience is our natural tendency to equate physical space with consciousness. If we limit our consciousness to the physical experience in which we live our daily lives, we place a limit on our experience. Higher consciousness does not concern itself with mundane thinking processes but with the “essences of being”
Goals of Meditation
Self – Realisation – Awareness of self. The purpose of meditation is to awaken in us the sky like nature of the mind and to introduce us to that which we really are, our unchanging pure awareness. We are fragmented into so many different aspects. We don’t know who we really are, or what aspects of ourselves we should identify with or believe in. Our beings and our thoughts contain so many contradictory voices, feelings, and conflicting emotions, that we find ourselves scattered everywhere in all directions, leaving nobody at “home”. Meditation is merging these scattered pieces together and bringing the mind home to who we really are.
Enlightenment – This is beyond awareness of self to a state of being in union with Divinity.
Components of Meditation
There are three components of meditation. Firstly, the meditator or the subject , is the one who “sees. Then there is the object of meditation and last is the process of meditation. The process of meditation requires the meditator to establish a relationship with object of meditation.
The process truly is meditation when the subject, the object and the process coalesce and merge into a single unified experience.
How do we Meditate?
·Keep the spine erect or straingt
·Ensure that no strain or tension is present in any part of your body
·Make sure the right and left sides of the body are in equal balance and
·Be in a state of “conscious awareness”. You are directing your consciousness towards the stilling of your thoughts and emotions and away from yourself
·Intention (Divine will)
·Preparation for meditation and pranayama
·Connection to the divine energy, could be through
·Namasmaran (Repeating the Lord’s name)
·Letting go of gross body consciousness
·Letting go of all thoughts
·Focus and concentrate on one(object or breath)
·Move to onepointedness
·No thoughts, no feelings, no body consciousness, complete merger with one
Meditation - Conclusion
You may ask yourself. What is the purpose of transformation of the “self” through meditation? I believe the purpose in doing meditation and all this”inner journey work” of self inquiry is to attain permanent happiness. Bliss is not short lived excitement from material success and gratification of bodily needs through the senses but is is found in the soul’s merger with God. All animate and inanimate things are made of pure consciousness. Thought is the first unit of consciousness. Therefore, if you want to change anything in yourself and even outside environment you must change the process of thought as your actions are generated by your thoughts, Meditation is training your mind to generate positive thoughts and evolve in consciousness. Remoulding your consciousness means exercising free will guided by discrimination and energized by Divine will power.
The purpose and aim of life is becoming one with the ultimate :Truth: God. Truth is often ambiguous and difficult to define as truth becomes relative ot our perceptions. However, the Absolute Truth is God and the fat that He exists in everything in the Universe. The One entered the many and became the intrinsic Self of many. How do we arrive at the “Truth”? We know about truth in three ways through our senses, through inference and by the processes of the mind and through our intuition. Intuition is the direct perception of the soul at an inner level and is developed through meditation. The ultimate proof of all existence will come through your own experiences in meditation. Once you have found God in depths of your soul you will find Him everywhere.
Meditation is connecting directly with God and when you do that your intuitive perception of Truth will guide you in everything you do. Why are some people not successful in achieving well being or health and wealth even though they try so hard? The majority of humankind uses only one-tenth of their minds. Some of us mis-create by allowing the mind to wander in destructive ways. How can we increase our wisdom and receptivity and therefore quicken our evolution and growth in consciousness? We can do this through meditation by consciously condensing all our learning and experiences through the power of concentration. Concentration is to gather our attention and focusing it on one point. When concentration is directed within by Divine power we can manifest and attain Wisdom. In us lies the infinite seat of all knowledge. Humankind is the only creation on this planet capable of advanced levels of consciousness, discrimination and ultimately of God realisation. Hence attaining wisdom and acting on that knowledge makes one succeed in anything we want in life. Both wisdom and will power are necessary for successful creation and meditation teaches us to harness both. We may have karmic limitations but we have the power to rise above karma by coming together with God.
All the sages state that when we commune with God we change our position and our power from a mortal to an immortal being and limitations can be overcome, even our karma. The avenue through which you can communicate and become one with God is meditation.
Note : This is only a scribbling note. These are purely my understanding. These may or may not be the correct one. This is not to hurt anybody's feeling.
When you are in situation which is out of your control and you want to show your displeasure it is anger.It is an expression to show that you want to take control of it by some means.