
Aparoksha. Waking Jagat which gives you the knowledge for dream is Brahman.That which is self revealing. Consciousness + Jagat
When  Buddha became enlightened, people asked him; "What did you attain?" Buddha answered: I have not attained anything. I have only lost something" People became confused and asked him: We thought that you attained something!'. Buddha answered; I have not attained anything. I only came to know that which already existed. Yes I have lost something. I lost all that I had created; I have lost my ignorance. I have not gained knowledge, because knowledge was always present. I could not become wise, because I was holding on tightly to my ignorance. For sure I have lost something, but I have not gained anything. I gained only what was already mine, what I always had.

Understand well that all you need is to see with total awareness. Open your eyes. Awaken your intelligence. You need to observe carefully with total awareness and see the real. The moment we see the real, the unreal disappears on its own and only the real remains.

That which does not die, nor can be it be killed; that which exists within us is called the soul, and that which is outside us is called the divine. That which can be killed, which can kill and can experience being killed, we call ' body'

In human perspective nothing seems to be more certain than death. Everything in life seems to be uncertain, death appears to be the only certainty. One thing sure is death. Everything keeps changing; For all human, whether he is successful, rich, poor, famous or a sinner, death is certain. But for divine , say Krishna, one thing is absolutely certain; death is an impossibility. Death is deception because those who see death as real, cannot experience anything else in life except their bodies.

Death at the level of body is not a death and only the death of innermost core of the person is death.

There was a yogi called Brahmayogi, who performed an experiment on death in three different institutions; Oxford University, Kolkata University and Rangoon University. He was able to die just for ten minutes. His breath stopped, then his pulse stopped and finally his heart beat topped and blood stopped flowing through his vessels. Ten doctors from the medical faculty of Oxford University certified that he was dead - as he did not show any signs of life.

After 10 minutes, Brahmayogi came back to life, he started breathing again, his heart started beating, blood started flowing in his vessels, his pulse came back. Doctors were surprised,.

In fact, when we talk about death, we mean that the body is slipping away - just like the light of a lamp begins to fade.

If you turn the light switch off, the bulb no longer gives light and you find yourself in darkness. Does that mean that there is no more electricity? It just means that light is no more manifested. When you turn the light switch on, the bulb lights up and the current starts flowing again. Does it mean that electricity has suddenly resurrected? Electricity was always present, although it was not manifested.

What we call death is simply the event where the manifested becomes un-manifested. What we call birth is simply the event where the un-manifested becomes manifested.

The soul never dies. In fact, that which is beyond both, death and salvation - that is the soul, that is existence.

Note : This is only a scribbling note. These are purely my understanding. These may or may not be the correct one. This is not to hurt anybody's feeling.

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