Vethathiri Maharishi

Nature or God or Truth
There is no language to depict the greatness and qualities of Nature. Anyway we have some words available which will take us near the concept of Nature, God as follows
Nature is Absolute Space:  everlasting singular, almighty, all penetrative, highly transparent, imperceptible, dark fluid matter.  This is the primordial State of the Universe. It is the Infinite State, Vacuum,the Almighty, the Almighty, the Universal Being, Brahman, Sivam, Poornam, the Truth, Total consciousness and Omniscient, Omnipresent God.
It is characterized by quivering, kinematic, self-compressive, ever-increasing, surrounding, pressure force, which results in automatic repulsion intensification and emerges as the infinitesimal energy particle.
Nature is indentified as Unified Force, the source of all forces, with three indivisible attributes: Plenum( a space or all space every part of which is full of matter), force and consciousness

Pure space, Nature acts as Gravity and by its self-compressive surrounding pressure forced with kinematic( a branch of dynamics that deals with aspects of motion apart from considerations of mass and force )quivering motion getting intensified and folded becomes 'knots'. By surrounding pressure force of Gravity, these 'knots' start spinning. Such spinning wave is further compressed by the surrounding force of Gravity and evolves into an infinitesimal, primary energy particle. This is Vethon

Magnetic Waves
In the course of spinning motion, they get friction with the surrounding pressure of Gravity, which gives rise to innumerable smaller waves. These are forced into global shape by the surrounding pressure of the Gravity and become "shadow-wave particles"' The primary particles are stronger because they emerged directly from Gravity. they are strong enough to survive for a long time against the mighty surrounding pressure of the unlimited space(Gravity).This is Yogon. The functioning part of the universe is sphere, shaped by the surrounding compressive force of the gravity. (When Force from one side and Gravity from other side is equal the resultant is sphere)When the wave is spreading in the space(Gravity) it is obstructed and bent. Here, two forces are in opposition: one is the force of the spreading energy with forward motion and the other is the compressive surrounding pressure force of the Gravity, which bends the radiated energy into cycles. The opposing forces conjoin and make the wave move in cycles. These cycles of wave are called frequencies. So yogons are intensified wave emerged from the friction between the Gravity and its primary energy particles. In the course of its penetration and clashes with the associated masses of vethons, the magnetism gets transformed into several perceptible wave phenomena. On the intensified field of basic magnetism, all the waves radiated by atoms, molecules and masses are travelling with relative frequencies and lengths. Clash, reflection, refraction, penetration, and inter-action are the natural functions of any wave. By these functions, according to the intensity and forcing strength of the waves five very important results occur This magnetism has nature of transforming itself into five specific waves as 1) Pressure, 2) sound, 3) heat/light, 4) taste and 5) smell within the five domains of free energy particles. These five elements are called "Pancha Bhootas" A huge field of unimaginable volume covering the field of five elements and their associations is the functional part of the universe.

Order of Function
In the functioning universe, everything from the smallest particles up to the greatest stars is moving with self-rotative force. This self rotative force acts as repulsive force. It maintains distance between particles and also between masses. All particles and masses have evolved only from stock-force State. By the surrounding pressure of the Stock-force State, the whole functioning universe is being contained and compressed. Thereby no particle or mass can go away from one another beyond a certain distance, which is conditioned by their respective repulsive forces.
Due to the surrounding pressure of eternal space it continuously spins. This is an energy particle; it is the basic, fundamental unit of the universe, the constituent of every mass. It is a wonder that even though the energy particle is infinitesimal, in itself it may be said to have two parts, an inert and dynamic.
AT THE CENTRE OF ITS WHIRLING MOTION THERE IS MOTIONLESS POINT. The dynamic portion is the whirling periphery. The motionless point at the centre works as centripetal force and the periphery functions as centrifugal repulsive force. The centre point of the energy particle is linked with the surrounding eternal space existing throughout the functioning universe as inter-particle, inter-mass space and it is also linked with eternal space(stock-force state) beyond the functioning universe.
While we are probing into the evolution of the Universe, we have to understand one basic principle, the functioning Law of Universe. Only two phenomena have to be kept in mind; one is the Absolute Space(which is stationary) and the other is Force(the whirling wave of fraction of the Absolute Space) this tiny fraction of Space, Force, is the basic unit or fundamental energy particle which constitutes the entire Universe. Space is primordial and the seed and the source and origin of everything. It is all mighty, all pervasive; Omnipotent, and Omnipresent. As the Static State is Total Consciousness, it is regarded as Omniscient too. It exists within every fundamental particle, around the particle around the associated fields and all around the Universal sphere. Thus in entire Universe there is only space and energy, nothing more. Space is pressing all around; and each whirling fraction(particle of energy) is repelling one another. It is the repulsion and pressure that are called repulsive and attractive forces. Actually these two forces are only one. According to tome, place, and comparative perceptions, they appear to be two. (eg. When a stone is thrown into the air, you are repelling the stone from the Earth’s attraction by your force. After sometime it falls down due to the pressure of the eternal attractive force-Static State. Your force repels the stone; then when the force is reduced or exhausted automatically the stone drops down) So the binding power of the whole Universe is only one phenomenon – everlasting and eternal pressure. It is Absolute, also called the Almighty, the Truth, primordial State, sivam, Brahman, etc. That is total consciousness.

Self Realisation is the perfection of the sixth sense and it is the peak of wisdom. Self-Realisation, actualisation of the Universe, realisation of Truth are all the same. The entire Universe can be analysed into four principles.
1) Truth; 2) Energy, 3) Mass and 4) Consciousness.
Truth is the Static State, which is called variously as the Primordial State, Universal Being, Absolute Space, Vacuum, Omnipotence and Omniscience.This is the basic phenomenon from which all the movements start. Energy is the moving state of the Static State. It is a minute particle with self-rotative action; actually it is just a wave of the Static Being. Because of its self rotative action it spans a volume or area and hence it is called particle.
Mass is only the association of such energy-particles.
Consciousness is the function of the Universal Being, understanding, feeling, calculating and enjoying its own beauties and values through the living being and man.
Think of the Universe. Millions of masses of different kinds of volume, intensity, movement and chemical compounds and living beings are manifest. If you analyse any mass, it is only an associagted state of energy-particles. Around the particles, in between the masses and beyond the whole Universe, is Absollute Space. Now Divide the Universe into four sections; Space, particle mass and living beings. All these four together are called Nature. for the entire Universe and all that it contains, space is the primordial state. It is this primordial state that is called"God" and also totality. Universal Being, Truth, the Almighty and Total Consciousness. Everything manifest, every object and appearance, is a fraction which emerged from primordial state.
The origin of everything is the Absolute Space. when one understands this fact, he can comprehend the whole Universe and its evolution and existence between God and Man. Knowingly or unknowingly, man's knowledge is aiming towards the goal of realisation of God.Until the link comes to his mind, the latter will always get diverted into greed, and cannot derive full satisfaction with material enjoyment. Greed in its force of unchecked development takes the form of the other temperamental moods commencing with anger, etc. therefore man should have conscious link with God.
In olden days when science was not developed, intellectually elevated people were few and far between in society. In order to place the common man's mind in link with God some fictions were developed. Personified Gods and other rituals were generated so as to induce faith. Neither in the contemporary period nor in future will such fictions convince adult minds, the fables and myths should be restricted to children below the teens; after that age the Truth should be made available to all people.
All experiences in life are enjoyed only by the mind. Mind is the peipheral stage of consciousness. In infinite state, the consciousness itself is Truth, the Universal Being. As a man is endowed with the sixth sense which inherits the purpose of realisation of Self, in time he should realise the Self,  which is Consciousness, the supreme Universal Being, Origin, evolution, existence, development and perfection of Consciousness are covered by stages of evolutinary process of the Unverse. i.e. Static State, energy-particles, waves, masses and living beings. 
Realization of Truth is very simple. One who is intellectually agile can get it from one who is realized, theoretically. Theoretical knowledge about realization of Truth is, however, only like blue-print for a building, Until you build the house according to the plan, you cannot get in practical terms comfortable living in the house. Knowing the theory or philosophy only is just like looking at the plan of a house. Unless Realisation is implemented in action sincerely and with application, one will be back in square one. If you really wish to liberate yourself from the strong chains of Ego, imprints of sins and illusions (Anava, Karma and Maya)seek a realized person and adopt him as your preceptor. The theory should be implemented, experienced and confirmed by practice of meditation on life force, and following the path of virtue in life. If you are sure that you are intellectually equipped and can attain Realisation by your own endeavor and practice meditation, To maintain peripheral state of Consciousness constantly linked with the Total consciousness, meditate on your life force and then practice to merging yourself with the Supreme Being. This kind of meditation should be learnt and practiced only under the guidance of a master well versed in this art of yoga.
Realisation of Consciousness is the only part one perfect and higher knowledge by which one can know everything in the universe.

Life is a mysterious phenomenon in the Universe. Life means action, energy or force. The conventional concept is that life is the unseen force functioning in all living beings. This is only partly true. The real meaning of “Life” is still deeper. The basic and fundamental minute unit of force, action or energy is life. This is the energy-particle. Its volume cannot be determined by mathematical calculations. We can simply say it is next only to the infinite. Such a tiny particle is the fraction of the Static State, Brahman, the Truth, the Universal Being.

Physical Body or form
The body is consstituted by millions of cells, throughout which the bio-magnetism is pervasively flowing in a full and complete circuit over the whole body. By natural polarity of the cells, they are arranged into systematic rows, clinging to one another. Every cell takes its own precise requirement of magnetism. By physical transformation of magnetism the cells get pressure, electricity and chemicals as required for all laboratorial functions.

நான் யார்?
 நான் உடலா? உயிரா? அறிவாநான் சிவம் என்றால் என்ன?  நான் என்றால் என்ன? ௦சிவம் என்பது பூரணம். இந்த பூரணமே தன்னைத் துண்டு படுத்திக்கொண்டு "சக்தியாக" இயக்கமாக வந்தது.அந்த   சக்தி என்ற விண் பரமாணு என்று தமிழிலும் ஆகாசம் என்று வட மொழியிலும் சொல்கிறோம். யார் என்பதற்கு அர்த்தம் புரிந்து கொண்டால் இந்த பிரபஞ்சத்தின் ரகசியம் அத்தனையும் விளங்கிவிடும்.

அந்த பரமாணுவிண் தொகுப்பே விண் . விண்கள் கூடும்போது காற்று,மேலும் கூடும்போது நெருப்பு, நீர்,நிலம்,இவையே ஐந்து பூதங்கள்

நிலம், நீர்,காற்று,வெப்பம், விண் என்ற பஞ்ச பூதங்களும் ஒன்று கூடி ஒன்றால் மற்றோன்று நிலை குலையாது அளவிலும் ஒன்றால் மற்றோன்று காக்கப் பெறும் அளவில் அமைந்து விட்டால் அந்தக் கூட்டுக்குள் விரைவாக சுழன்றொடும் காந்தகளம் அமைகின்றது.
இந்த கூட்டு காந்தகளம் இரண்டு செயல்களை செய்கிறது

1)  காந்த அலை எல்லா அணுகளிலும் வூடுரிவி ஓடி அவற்றிற்கு இடையே துருவங்களை(Polarity) அமைகின்றது. இதனால் ஒரு விண்ணொடு மற்றோன்று, ஒரு அணுவோடு (Atom) மற்றோன்று, ஒரு பேரணுவோடு(Molecule) மற்றோன்று, ஒரு செல்லோடு (Cell) மற்றோன்று
2) ஜீவ காந்த ஓட்டத்தின் சுழல் விரைவால் அந்த பருவுடலுக்கு மத்தியில் ஒரு ஈர்ப்பு மையம் (Vortex)  அமைகின்றது. இதுவே கருமையமம். 

For the multifarious functions of the body and its organs, the cells are basic units to supply every need. If any disturbance occurs in the polarity arrangemen of the cells by misuse, wrong actions, or by external clashes, the flowing bio-magnetism is obstructed and stagnates at that point, resulting in a short circuit. This is the cause and source of pain. When the polarity of the cells is restored by the continuous flow of bio-magnetiesm, the pain ceases. Otherwise, if the disturbance spreads to a large number of cells and continues over a longer time, it is termed as illness or disease. A disease is like a puncture in the bio-magnetic  tank of  the organism; disease is a a point of leakage of bio-magnetism. If it is not repaired automatically by natural immunity or by sincere efforts, the stock of bio-magnetism will gradually be exhausted, according to the intensity of leakage(the disease). Thereby the organs and senses lose their functional order and strength, and ultimately death results.With death, bio-magnetism is completely dried out because its charging unit, the life-force particls has left the body.
Whatever we can perceive by touch and sight is form or mass. Due to surrounding existence of the Static State, the eternal force, pressure of the Static state, the fractional part, viz, particle is under compulsion to rotate; and thus it is in whirling motion. The speedy self-rotative force of the particle radiates a spreading wave, keeping all other particles at a certain distance. The counter action of the static pressure of the Almighty and the pressure of the radiating wave emanating from the energy particles becomes Magnetism. Magnetism is actually a dual pressure comprising attraction and repulsion. It fills the entire Universal field. The energy particles and the magnetic field surrounding them compromise the Universal field. Whatever the self-rotative speed of the energy particles is reduced, appropriately they come close and become associated into groups. According to the number of particles in a family-group they are called by different names signifying the elements. Group of such atoms condition molecules and associations of the molecules are known as masses of all types. Conversion of energy into sound and light is known as Electricity. Conversion of energy into taste and smell is known as chemicals.
Energy particle is the life force. Energy particles fill up the entire Universe. In all inanimate things the energy particles are called  physical life. In all living beings the same energy particle are called sending life.
Consciousness taking its seat in the life force as fractional state, extends its activities via, the bio-magnetic field and senses as the mind. The mind is nothing but the extended and perceptional activity of the consciousness. In inorganic matter the magnetism is not settled with circuit or regulated functions, but in organisms by the coordination of sexual vital fluid, blood and cells, the bio-magnetism has a settled circuit. Therefore senses are formed and feelings are perceived. Pleasure is the feeling of conversion-level of the bio-magnetism to an extent of consuming the furplus energy within the tolerable limit of senses.

Spirit is the fundamental energy particle. When we disintegrate any mass, finally we come to the fines and tiniest stage that cannot be further disintegrated. Such a basic, fundamental stage is the energy particle. The energy particle is actually a whirling wave with speedy self-rotative force. It is a fragment, a broken piece of the static state, the Almighty, plenum. The static state can be envisaged as the ocean and the energy particles as its waves; it is the energy particle that is called “SPIRIT”.  In between the perceivable Universe and the Infinite State are the energy particles.

In continuation, the very same magnetism is getting transformed into a marvelous mind wave in all organisms, including mankind, which is able to exhibit all the wonderful qualities of consciousness.
Visualise the Almighty, energy-particles, waves, masses and the physical transformation of waves into pressure, sound, light, taste and smell. All these are happening only due to the pressure of the Static State. The words "consciousness" and "mind" are one and the same. "Consciousness" is used elaborately in both the fields of philosophy and science. The word "mind" is used to describe the behavioral qualities of living beings. Actually, the inner meaning of both words is one and the same. Consciousness in its peripheral state flickering as mind within the physical body. Hence all are part of total consciousness.
Consciousness in its functional state of energy-particle is characterized with three inseparable qualities: Pattern, Precision and Regularity.

Mind is a magnetic wave. The network of the mind involving several important parts of the body includes eight integrated phenomena 1) Physical Body, 2) Life Force(Vethons), 3) Bio-magnetism, 4) Genetic Centre, 5)Brain, 6) Sensing organs, 7) Mind and 8) the Soul. In the absence of any of these eight there can be no function of mind.
Mind is the bio-magnetic wave functioning between Genetic Centre and brain and on the way connecting several complex physical systems such as blood circulation, bio-magnetism, life force, senses and sexual vital fluid.
The mind wave gets transformed according to the object of perception. Simultaneously the force of Gravity compresses that wave of perception into a very subtle form as  a dot and takes it to the Genetic Centre and deposits it. whenever the same frequency comes to the mind by remembering the incident the compressed wave is magnified by the brain cells precisely, to its original state of shape and image and all these are felt by the mind as inner visions of thoughts and urges of action.
Mind wave and Frequency
An individual infinitesimal energy particle is always emanating a repulsive force by its spinning nature. When such repulsive force travels in its ambient surrounding space it is called wave. No wave can travel in the space in a straight forward direction. Because the space is mighty power of self-compressive surrounding pressure force, any wave traveling in the space is obstructed and made to bend. Yet, according to the force of speed of the wave it will continue its motion. As a result of these two forces, i.e. forward motion of the wave and the bending force of gravity, a circular movement occurs. Thereby the waves are curved into rings,i.e. cyclic movement. The speed and force of a wave condition the length of each cycle. the number of cycles per second is noted as the frequency of the wave. Mind wave is always emerging from the transformation of bio-magnetism in the living beings; its minimum and maximum is restricted from one to forty cycles per second(c.p.s.) in man.
When the mental wave function from 14 to 40 c.p.s. it is call
'BETA' Here perceiving with senses, engaged in the deeds and enjoying or suffering from their results
When the mind wave is focused inwardly in meditation, its frequency reduces to of the three subtlest states of mind. i.e. alpha (8-13 c.p.s.) theta (4-7 c.p.s.) and delta (1-3 c.p.s.)

 There are seven centres for meditation in the body. Each centre is connected with its relevant endocrine gland as follows
Mooladhara - Sex Gland
Swadisthana - Connecting sex-gland and adrenals
Manipuraka - Adrenal gland
Anahata - Thymus
Visuddhi - Thyroid
Bramarandhra - PinealSleep

There are six sources from which thoughts arise. They are
1. Need
2. Habit
3.Environmental conditions
4.Imposition of another perosn's thought
5.Hereditary imprints and
6. Divinity
As action follows though, all the thoughts that arise in the mind are to be analysed and introspected for a better pattern of thinking and a pattern of living. When a thought arises, you have to catch the thought and identify its root.
Thought of taking food arises in you-You put the thought into introspection,. Hunger could have given rise to the thought. Here, need is the source of the thought. If you find that you are not actually hungry and yet the thought of lunch has come, examine whether habit could have generated it. It is one 'o' clock - the usual time for your lunch. This is thought emerged out of habit.  In another situation, you are neither hungry not it is your usual lunch time. and yet the thought of taking food has come while you are driving past an open-air cafeteria. Here thought has scome merely at the sight of other playing their fork and spoon. this is an example of environmental conditoins generating a thought. You are taking a stroll when you pass by a fruitstall. You have no intention to make any purchase. Yet you buy grapes from a stall and return home. You are not even fond of grapes. Then you wonder what made you to purchase the grapes. Well the reason for needless purchase is imposition of thought by vendor. You may suddenly get a thought that you should build a school or a hospital in your native village but you do not have the resources to do so. this thought come into being becaue of hereditary imprints.
When development reaches a stage, one may come to think of realising the self or understand the Truth. Such thoughts are the outcome of evolutionary force of Nature, which means they are thoughts from Divinity.
You have to decide whether a particular thought is to be translated into action or to be eliminated in the beginning itself. If you assess the thought is not worthy or could be pain resulting, you have to give an autosuggestion that the thought is improper for such and such a reason and that you should not go in action with the thought. whenever the same thought comes again, you will be able to remember your introspection and decision and you will be protected by being on guard against unnecessary involvement.
If this method of analysis is practised, then you will be able to filter every thought as through a sieve and bring out only the best thoughts in  actions. This introspection on thought will also assist you in gaining success in the introspection of other aspects starting with Desire.

Every living being is a bio-magnetic unit. The human existence is due to the combined activities of 1) Physical body; 2) the astral body(life force) 30 bio-magnetism 4) Genetic Centre and 5) the transformation process of bio-magnetism into pressure, sound, light/heat, taste, smell and the special process of mind. For all the physical and psychic functions the bio-magnetism is the fuel. The charging capacity of bio-magnetism and its capacity to hold reserve in stock are limited. Therefore, both physical and psychic functions cannot continuously and concurrently run without break. The involuntary physical functions such as digestion, breath, and blood circulation are carried out by the automatic nervous system; the psychic and sensory functions, which are voluntary actions, are carried by the somatic system. Both are regulated and controlled by central nervous system, for which the blueprint and directing power is the Genetic Centre. The Genetic centre will control the production, flow and consumption of bio-magnetism to the body and mind. It will shut off the consumption when the minimum critical level is reached. We cannot measure or account the production and consumption of bio-magnetism by our limited capacity of mind. A certain minimum stock of bio-magnetic force is required for both the autonomic and somatic functions. such minimum critical level of stock is programmed and provided in the body of every living being. of bio-magnetic force charged is not enough to carry out both the somatic and autonomic functions continuously and concurrently. After about 16 hours of conscious activity the pressure force of bio-magnetism is reduced; that indicates that stock is less than the minimum required. At this stage, the balance of pressure of bio-magnetic force in stock, plus the hourly chargeable quantity is only enough to maintain autonomic functions for the next several hours. So the central nervous system switches off the somatic functions automatically. Conscious sensory functions and movements of limbs stop and man goes to sleep. As one sleeps for several hours the charged biomagnetic force which is surplus after meeting the requirements for the autonomic functions is added to the stock. When the stock is replenished and comes back to the minimum critical level, sufficient pressure comes to the bio-magnetic force that causes the central nervous system to again switch on the somatic functions.

The functioning system of mind is only by the bio-magnetic wave. Two main principles are Gravity and spreading wave of Vethons. Every sensory perception and action of limbs affects the bio-magnetism that fully circulates in the body. Therefore the two functions of 1) compressing all actions in wave form with their force and images and keeping them stored in the Genetic Centre, and 2) releasing the compressed waves by the force of bio-magnetism into brain cells and magnifying them to original state as memory, thoughts and desires are always going on in the living system of an organism.
This is the reason why one gets thoughts almost continuously. when one is constantly engaged in the perceptions or actions those releasing functions are not understood. Nevertheless, they are constantly going on. In some stages of sleep(other then deep sleep) the functions of releasing the compressed waves of experience are understood by the mind as dreams. Similar to random or disturbed thoughts that occur in the waking state, such are perceived as dreams while asleep. According to the kind of food one takes, his activities during the waking period and interactions with other people, dreams will be more or less frequent.

Genetic Centre
Human being is a complex phenomenon comprising three different aspects or bodies. the physical, the astral and the casual(i.e. magnetic) bodies. All three are interlinked with one another. They physical body is a structure made of millions of cells. the astral body is the spiritual body. it is comprised of countless life force particles(free energy particles with self rotative spinning motion. the casual body is the total net bio-magnetic wave constantly emanating from the life force particles by their spinning motion. As the spinning force of Vethons produces the bio-magnetic wave, the magnetic wave also is speedily circulating throughout the physical body. By such speedy circulation the bio-magnetism intensifies in the centre at the sex gland. By the centripetal force thereby created, the centre of the life force(astral body) is established to coincide with the bio-magnetic centre.

The metabolic routines of the physical body transform food into seven organic substances: juice, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow and sexual vital fluid This sexual vital fluid is the essential compound of the physical body. By the centripetal force of the magnetic and spiritual(life force) centre, the major portion of the sexual vital fluid also is deposited at the same centre. These three phenomena jointly comprise the "Genetic Centre" which is the seat of all mental, physical and spiritual(life force) functions in the human being.

Force is the cause of all functions and changes of the universe; only force moves everything. Movement of force results in clash, reflection, refraction, penetration and interaction, effecting changes in everything constantly. All such changes are perceived as the characteristics of inanimate masses and animate beings.

If any force is reduced, ultimately it will come to stillness - that is Stock force State. So the origin of force is Stock force State. It is all-pervasive throughout the universe. The compressive force on the mass is intensified at its centre and acts as centripetal force. This is the same principle as in the individual energy particle. The nucleus of a mass is its centre of gravity and it is Genetic Centre. In the Genetic Centre the three essential principles of the living beings are joined. These three are 1. Sexual vital fluid, which is the essential compound of the physical body, 2. the life force particles which are the essential constituents of the astral body and 3. the intensified bio-magnetism, which is the core of the casual body. These three principles are interlinked in the Genetic Centre.

Just as the celestial body by its centripetal force attracts everything on its surface towards its centre, all the waves of pressure, sound, light, taste, smell and mind are attracted by the Genetic Centre and stored in the living body. In this way, all the waves of sensory, psychic and physical experiences( e.g. movements of the body, desires, decisions, discoveries etc.) are compressed into infinitesimal dots and received and stored by the Genetic Centre. This entire collection of waves of experiences characterises one's personality.
One's present life imprints are those accrued from the date of birth up to the present; the hereditary imprints are those that one is born with, having been accrued through countless previous generations. Of course, every living being is of both hereditary and present life imprints. In a living being, the mental wave is the physical transformation of bio-magnetism, resulting in feelings of pain, pleasure, peace and ecstasy.
Man is a unit of bio-magnetism. The physical body is an association of cells, which are combinations of chemically evolved elements. Every cell is a hi-tech laboratory unit producing electricity and chemicals from bio-magnetism for maintenance of system. Every cell is provided with two poles. one for receiving the magnetism and the other for sending out surplus magnetism after consuming the quantity needed for its functions.
Within the physical body the single Vethons(infinitesimal primary energy particles) are circulating everywhere. Each Vethon constantly and continuously emanates Yogons(repulsive waves) by its speedy spinning force. these waves become bio-magnetism by dilution into the surrounding eternal space. While circulating in the body all such bio-magnetic force gets intensified in the middle(i.e. centre) point and there forms the
Genetic Centre. This intensified magnetic centre develops two kind of forces i.e centripetal(attraction) and centrifugal(repulsion), by the presence of Gravity(compressive force and its repulsive wave.
The compressive force causes a greater quantity of the life force particles to concentrate at the Genetic Centre, which accordingly becomes the repository of the major stock of life force. The same centripetal force makes the sexual vital fluid also get accumulated at the Genetic Centre. Therefore, the intensities of 1) bio-magnetism, 2) life force particles, and 3) sexual vital fluid are all jointly within the same Genetic Centre as their stock place.
The magnetic force that is charge by the life force particles throughout the body is intensified in Genetic Centre. Whenever transformation of bio-magnetism into five tanmatras , mind occurs through the senses and brain, the required quantity of bio-magnetism from stock place, the Genetic Centre, is utilised(converted) and consumed. the effect of these waves being transformed into Pancha Tanmatras will cause appropriate magnetic, electric and chemical changes and results in all the physical cells of the body.
Original nature of bio-magnetism is pure and divine. Throughout the physical body the pure magnetism is always circulating. Magnetic particles that are characterised with psychic or physical activities have to float in the bio-magnetic circulation. already, by the nature of Genetic Centre, two kinds of results are happening. they are 1) Centripetal force, drawing heavier things towards the Centre, and 2) centrifugal force which pushes out every lighter thing to the periphery. Whatever one's thought, deed or sensory experience may be, it affects the overall magnetism of the whole body. Every effect of the clash of forces becomes a recorded dot of characterised magnetism, a knot of record. Thus the pure magnetism running in the body is contaminated with intensified knots of one's characterised records of actions and experiences. The compressive force of Gravity makes all these characterised knots of record of action and experiences reach the Genetic Centre and become further compressed and stored. this is a divine process of omniscient consciousness. we call this the
"imprints of karma"
Descent of imprints
All the qualities and characters of a living being with its core principles are descending from one generation to the next through the Genetic Centre. It is a concentric  magnetic domain, containing all the compressed waves of experiences of numerous generations. After maturity of a living being if a progeny is produced, all the magnetic records of the ancestral qualities and potentials will be transferred without omission, just like a Xerox.
After the death of an adult, the bio-magnetic Genetic Centre with its characterised consciousness leaves the body and floats in the universal magnetic field. Then it may get attached to another living person of similar qualities. The bio-magnetism will use the living person's Genetic Centre and brain as  a vehicle to release the compressed wave records as thoughts and urges.

Man consists of four phenomena: body, soul, knowledge(or mind) and Truth. The truth is the primordial state and mind is the result of the joint activities of the soul and body. Thus, man is mainly body and soul. Of the two, it is the soul that is more important. The body is only an instrument for the soul. The body is an expression of the soul, The soul is not an expression of the body. the body is the physical expression and a vehicle for the soul.
Only the souls of father and mother jointly produce the soul of a child. Under the Law of Nature. the three combined defects; ignorance or Truth(Ego), imprints of sins and attachment with worldly things, ingrained in the souls of father and mother, take birth as their child. In other words, the soul of a child is the joint product of the souls of the parental male and female. i.e. child is the next birth of its father and mother. The soul of a child starts its functions from the time of conception itself. According to the imprints of all the qualities of the parents, their souls jointly take the form of a new soul as an offspring and as the continuation in the chain of births.
In fact, the souls of the parents construct their own chromosomes according to the quality and strength of their imprints of Karmas and then the chromosomes of the parents join together and take the form of a child. The soul exists and its functions start the time of union of chromosomes. Disembodied souls never enter into a
lifeless body or fetus. Theory of rebirth or reincarnation is not valid that only the souls of the dead alone could take rebirth. Another theory is the animals and even birds could reincarnate as human and vice-versa is wrong. The characterised bio-magnetic waves of life-energy for different species are different and they cannot be altered abruptly. Any change in any species will only occur gradually through the evolutionary system and hereditary links. Thus, we have to rule out the possibility of a dog becoming man in one jump or even one hundred jumps. The previous births of any human being are only his or her father and mother and grandfathers and grand mothers and so on. For every person there have been thousands of previous births, harking back to one called organism.
If a soul of a dead person becomes attached to a living person but is not able to show its full force because of the mental strength of the latter or because of inopportune circumstances, it takes its seat in the seed-cells and is carried onward by the soul of the living person. It continues its existence in the chromosomes which are formed from that person's imprints. The child's imprints formed from such chromosomes are mixed with the imprints of attached soul. If it is a violent soul, the conflict within the life force of the fetus may cause abortion; otherwise the child is born healthy. After the development of its brain cells by the age of three, the imprints of the attached soul will begin to work. Then the boy or girl shows clairvoyance and talks about its previous birth. The description it gives is large and accurate. Similarly a person with whom a ghost has attached, getting into trance state and attributing to himself all the qualities of attached should, including its name, age and sex.

Near Death Experience(NDE)
This is not death but only suspension of life. During this time, consciousness goes into trance. The life force(otherwise called the astral body) projects more than 51% from physical body so that consciousness functions with the projected part. Since the sexual vital fluid has not been excreted fully, death has not occurred. The base of the life force remains within the sexual gland, with the remainder of the life force.
The gland supplies bio-magnetism to the projected portion of the life force through a line known as the silver cord. The consciousness continues working, identifying itself with the projected life force. As there is a state of trance, very old imprints of experiences may appear as peculiar visions.
Meanwhile the body gradually retracts the projected astral body and the person slowly returns to normal. The experiences and incidents related by him as having occurred after death are actually dreams in a coma state. If this kind of projection is voluntarily practiced it is called astral travel.

Death Death
The characterised bio-magnetic centre of a human being is the soul. The human soul journeys two roads with its imprints. during one's lifetime, one's soul is born within one's children. All one's imprints are copied into every progeny; all the parental imprints are given as the hereditary capital to the offspring and continue on to all the future generations. The second road is taken after leaving the body at death; as a magnetic wave form the soul may get attached and work through any living person of similar character. the concept of reincarnation that the disembodied soul will enter into the womb of a pregnant woman is mistaken. This is an ancient concept of mankind which originated in the primitive age.
With death, the bio-magnetism is completely dried out because its charging unit, the life force particles, has the left the body. Thereby this separate, individual circuit of bio-magnetism is lost; the universal magnetism absorbs the body and the cells are disintegrated gradually
Death may of three general types 1) Death of ordinary nature, due to illness or old age;, 2) premature death by murder, suicide or accident and 3) Death after perfection and purification of the soul in Self-realisation.
The first type of death occurs only when the body is no longer useful for the functions of the soul. when there is prolonged disease, short circuit of bio-magnetism for a long time, and / or over a large area, it causes exhaustion of life energy. Otherwise, in old age, the body cells are not able to produce sexual vital fluid to sufficient quantity and therefore the quantity of life force particles is also greatly reduced.
When the intensity of bio-magnetism is thus reduced the life force cannot circulate n the body evenly and properly. The remaining life-force particles gather and gradually settle in the sexual gland which becomes over heated by the accumulation of the energy and short-circuits. The nerves of the sexual gland are damaged and the major portion of the sexual vital fluid is excreted via the sexual organ. As a result, the life-energy, for which the sexual vital fluid is the container, leaves the body and death occurs. In this kind of natural death, the intensity of association of the energy-particles is less than normal because of the prolonged exhaustion of energy due to disease or old age.
It is normal for such disembodied souls to merge with persons of consanguineous link such as son, daughter or grandchild, by their voluntary invocation in a ritual or ceremony before cremation or burial of the body. Just after death, before disposal of the body, the soul is likely to linger very near to the body which was its habitual residence. At that time, voluntary invocation is easy and effective because of the moist ectoplasmic coating on the life force particles obtained during the embodiment of the soul. Soon after death, this coating is still sufficiently moisturizing the life force particles making it easy for the soul to enter and function in a suitable body nearby.
The specific character of the life force will be very suitable to the living souls of consanguineous linkage, the reason is that the imprints of karmas of the deceased and his blood relations are very similar. Of course, the progeny's karmas after twelfth year of life are different from the parent's but his difference is insignificant when we compare the soul's ancestry, sharing the same evolutionary history over millions of years.
If such voluntary invocation by kin is not possible, the second best method is the distribution of the soul among friends who voluntarily invoke the energy by a group prayer ritual. Sometimes the disembodied soul might become attached to another person of like character or it will disintegrate over a period of time and become absorbed into the atmosphere.

In deaths of the second category i.e. violent death, the souls become what are called ghosts. The intensity of energy association in these souls is greater because of the suddenness of death. The force of these souls will be violent. These souls also get attached to suitable person, persons of like-character, in order to dissipate their imprints through action. In such cases many troubles are caused to the persons with whom they attach. The carriers or victims may occasionally go into trance or even become mentally deranged. In trance, these souls will release their imprints by talk and actions. One of the causes for the mental illness known as multiple personality could be the attachment of such violent souls.

 In order to understand how the Sun and other stars evolved, you just have to visualise the formation of our earth. when energy accumulates, particles gather close to one another in an area and the entire field starts rotating. Such a rotation is called the movement of nebula. then centripetal action continues for thousands of years and heavier elements settle in the centre and the lighter elements settle, layer by layer, towards the outside, Thus solid forms in the centre which is then surrounded by water, then air, and then energy- pure akash particles. In this manner, layer by layer, the Earth was formed. Gradually, the central portion which was solid, increased in volume and mass. Part of it projected out of the water due to the burning of the metals and chemicals. The molten materials from the centre exploded as volcanic eruption. When these materials emerged from the surface of the water, they formed the mountains. In this way the surface of the Earth appeared little by little. Then came the rains under the lash of which mountains were eroded and vegetation came up resulting in forests. From forest-area in process of time came arable land. In some  areas, deserts were formed. When there was congestion or expansion in the middle of the Earth, the surface projected above the water-level over a larger area which also got progressively higher. Thousands  of square-miles of land remained as deserts. Thus on the Earth there are five regions: mountains, forests, agricultural land, sea costs and deserts. The ancient Tamil Nadu have described these divisions  as Kurinji, Mullai,Marutham, Neithal and Paalai.
Now 72% of the area on the earth is covered by water. Only 28% of the area is land, which is of the five kinds mentioned above. The earth is rotating precisely and regularly. In the centre heavy elements are still in a burning state and atomic fission is continuous there. Isotopes and atoms are thrown upward and outward continuously, and are spreading all around the Earth. They fly farther and farther away from the Earth into the sky. After reaching a certain distance they lose their velocity and then they remain floating in space. When such particles join together they become meteors; They may gradually grow bigger and due to their weight and by gravitational pull fall down to Earth. In transit most them get burnt by the atmospheric heat. Otherwise, such meteors become satellites in course of time.

The earth rotates at rougly 25000 miles per day. It takes 24 hours to cover this distance. Hence it rotates at a speed of 1041.66 km per hour.
Distance between earth and the sun is 93 million miles. Earth is moving around the sun at the speed of 15,50,000 miles per day

In the course of millions and millions of years to come the solid portion and the heat in our planet will increase and a stage would be reached when all the water is absorbed by the heat and only solid surface remains. Heat will still continue to be produced. Then the planet will become a star. The first formation of any star must be from nebula, water, solid, air, and energy. All five layers are formed in the beginning only. For a certain period living being may inhabit the planet. when the water is dried up and the atmosphere is denuded of oxygen, no living being can survive. Such a change will come to Earth. The change from Earth to a star takes millions and millions of years. According to Scientists the diameter of the universe is approx. 200 million light years distance. The length is calculated as follows.  In one second light travels 186000 miles. Multiply this by 60(for one minute), multiply again by 60(for one hour), then by 24 ( for one day) and finally by 365(for the year) and the result is one light year. Two hundred million times this figure is the diameter of the universe.
Thus the whole universe is rotating, as spherical unified field. The earth is the satellite of the Sun and the moon is a satellite of Earth. One day after millions of years, the moon may be absorbed by the Earth and the sun may absorb Mercury, Venus and Earth one after another according to gravitational changes.
Where ever solid, liquid, heat, air and energy came together, automatically the circulation of liquid, heat, air and energy started within the solid. That circulation is rhythmically functioning in any of the smallest of one celled living beings. A kind of essential acid, which is a peculiar bio-chemical fluid, is created and maintained around each cell. A cell is miniature living being having its body constructed by systematic arrangements of molecules and atoms in row with polarity. Also a cell is provided with a complete circuit of bio-magnetism so that it becomes the basic unit of sensing ability. The sensing ability starts from the energy(life-force) with in the cell. When such cells come together and accumulate in arranged rows and layers, they grow as plant-life. So even in plant there is the sense of touch. So a plant is a one sense species with its root in the earth. Plant has life force and sensing ability.


So every species works with a specific pattern, precision and regularity. A seed is an off-spring of a one-sense being. According to the evolutionary law every seed has the blue-print of the plant or tree from which it came as off-spring. If you sow the seed properly, it will grow as the type of the plant from which it came. If a seed is not sown in time or it is kept out of touch with the Earth, it  dries up. Within that dried seed a very small insect or worm may form due to the interaction of the life-force with air and moisture. Every seed a very small insect or worm may form due to the interaction of the life-force with air and moisture. Every seed has its own evolutionary pattern. Hence an evolved seed will become a particular type of worm or other small insect. This eventually evolves into a two sense living being with touch and taste perceptions. Then according to its chemical properties and other ecological principles, that creature may later become a three-sense living being, such as an ant, a bee, or a fly. So the two sense living being is a worm, the three-sense living beings are ants, flies and other creatures not endowed with eyes and ears. When eyes are formed, but no ears, those are snakes and other similar reptiles. These are four sense living beings. When ears are formed, completing five senses, we have birds and mammals.
Where and how has mankind evolved. Only by the coition of male and female, progeny comes into being. That is why progeny is called “off-spring”.  Similarly, if you go back through the evolutionary link, finally you will reach the first man or woman who started life on Earth. He or she was the parent of the whole world-community. When you trace the evolution of mankind, there were two animals of different species which had accidentally crossed. The genes of the species were compatible and then one form of mankind was born. That man or woman had coition with one of the species of his or her parentage, and thus families were formed. If you go on tracing back several species of animals and their origin, you will come to the reptiles , then worms then plant-life, molecules, atoms and particles, energy. Tracing the energy you will find its base to be the Static State. From the Static State up to now, to the stage of how you are and what you are, in the evolutionary process of the Universe there was no gat, no missing link. Continuity without any gap is going on.
EnglishTamilFrom SunRotationcolourBody parts
SunSooryan25 daysOrangeBones
MercuryBudhan30 million88 daysGrenSkin
VenusShukran60 million225 daysWhiteSexual Vital fluid
MoonChandran80 million29 daysWhiteBlood
MarsChevvai140 million18 mthsRedBone Marrow
JupiterGuru180 million12 yrsGoldenBrain
SaturnSani88 million30 yrsGreyLife

தாவரம்அழுத்த உணர்வுஓர் அறிவு
புழுஅழுத்த சுவை உணர்வுஈரறிவு
எறும்பு, வண்டுகள்அழுத்த சுவை மணம் உணர்வுமூவறிவு
வூர்வன, பாம்புஅழுத்த சுவை மணம் ஒளி உணர்வுநான்கு அறிவு
விலங்கினம்அழுத்த சுவை மணம் ஒளி ஒலி உணர்வுஐந்து அறிவு
மனிதன்அழுத்த சுவை மணம் ஒளி ஒலி சிந்திக்கும் உணர்வுஆறு அறிவு

Note : This is only a scribbling note. These are purely my understanding. These may or may not be the correct one. This is not to hurt anybody's feeling.